Oh shit your right, way way in the back there.
Oh shit your right, way way in the back there.
Ha, these are even rage inducing, it's quite funny.
Also no blacks or other non-whites in the conservative side.
True, but positions like embroidering for royalty, for example in England, were done by skilled artisans who were men, women were not allowed, I think domestically and in the 1800's like you say, women always outnumbered men though.
That's the problem with any group or minority, people will ascribe Singer's actions to all members of the gay community, not all but it does damage perceptions. Hopefully one day people will see these people as creeps, individual creeps not representative of the whole.
I don't think I ever have seen her work or heard of her except my adjunct showed us the doc, bless him.
Thank you so much I'd forgotten her name and couldn't find her, I watched her tobacco doc in a college art class and it was amazing and she didn't hold back. Especially bleak was the quotes from tobacco executives about getting blacks and poor whites on cigarettes and how they purposefully had dumb rap videos, tire…
Bangs look bad on all men, except Bob Benson.
Yarndyce v. Yarndyce.
I was on tetracycline for a few years till my cystic acne when away. If you haven't tried antibiotics do those first before accutane. I was really strict with my usage, I'd take them on an empty stomach twice a day(tetracycline requires it others may not) benzoyl peroxide is also a good complement but not enough by…
How the Irish Saved Civilization? BS, might as well go read Niall Ferguson who belittles Islamic scientific influence on medieval Europe. How pathetically wrongheaded, and yes I'll repeat colonialism had a broad and negative impact during the 19th and 20th century by the capitulations imposed on regions and drying up…
European scholars used Arabic translations of scientific texts that were lost in their original Latin form.
I think the Gosnell case was covered well enough, and it only proves the necessity of legal and easily accessible abortions. His movie will seek only to vilify legitimate abortion providers by guilt through association so why should anyone pay attention to this crackpot scheme other than to criticize it?
I remember this surprisingly but I interpreted it slightly differently. I think she meant you can let someone else do something for you and you'll still retain your dignity, sense of independence, you won't be kowtowing to the patriarchy if you let your generally stronger boyfriend open the jar.
I guess, it wouldn't stop me from finding someone attractive though if they were super pale. My skin is blemished and uneven so that's why I don't like my skin color, if I had perfect skin I probably wouldn't mind as much that I glow like neon pigment in the sun.
Might be differences in perception but in my family we all thought they generally looked blotchy. I'm very white too, to the point where i think it actually looks bad, tannning creams seem to cause there own problems as you mention. Tan bodies do look better, white can really bleach out any definition.
They were responsible for translating and correcting many of the ancient Greek works into Arabic that eventually sparked the renaissance in Europe. Perhaps if colonialists hadn't royally fucked most of everywhere and ruined native economies they would have gone on to becoming secular democracies.
Have you noticed how all the white people looked purple on Oprah? She always looked good but everyone else look like they rosacea or bruising.
Oh yes, totally. I stopped going swimming for years because of it or dating for that matter. People who don't have these issues with acne or whatever else, can't understand how much it can affect someone, crippling them in some ways on what they think other people care about, perceive.
Wow, that is awful. I was screamed at and verbally bullied in high school but never physically. I think you are right for the most part, bullies target their own gender usually, though I had it from both. What bothers me to this day is the vicious rumors that they spread and people hating you without even knowing you,…