
It’s used as an excuse to imprison black and brown and poor people to extract cheap labor from them. It’s not about public safety and never was.

Man ensures state he runs loses half a billion dollars in revenue, is shocked when people don’t want to hire him to work for their company.

What the actual fuck.

Dear John Kelly, the people you are trying to deter are coming to the US to try to escape the possibility that their children might be murdered walking to school. So. There really isn’t much you can do to deter them short of killing every single child who comes across that border. Because literally nothing short of

God doesn’t exists, next question.

Or to put it another way,

Voluntary Work Program

Seconded. Perez is great. Ellison is great. I’m glad Ellison will be staying in Congress, too. And I’m hoping that this will be a good step toward Perez running for office, too.

I am so fucking sick of how stupid people are. Either Perez or Ellison would have been fine (although Ellison would have been required to resign from his job as a US Representative to devote full time to the position).

I definitely don’t think Clinton should run again, but what exactly is your beef with Perez? My understanding is that they are very, very similar. Just because Bernie endorsed Ellison doesn’t mean Perez is some corporate establishment shill or whatever.

Looks at Tom Perez’s record of being a highly-intelligent, public policy-minded civil servant with a record of doing nothing but focusing on civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, unions, labor rights, etc. and then looks at people denouncing him as “the worst” and talking about taking their toys and going

Meanwhile, back in the world that actually exists, Perez will make a good DNC chair, just like Ellison would have., for a party that had a setback in 2016 but is hardly reduced to ashes.

I for one am pleased as punch by this decision. Perez has a great record. His work on police accountability, voter rights, and unions has been steadfast for decades. Just because he wasn’t Sander’s first pick doesn’t mean he’s evil (or as the kids like to incorrectly say today “neoliberal”).

I don’t think this is a case of ‘Well, at least some women will benefit.’ This is to benefit wealthy families most, and those families just happen to have women in them.

Why do high earning women need help? Why would you think this is a good idea simply because it helps at least some people (who happen to be well off)?

If I were wealthy, I’d love to provide the startup capital for all of these groups of employees to start their own employee-owned business to compete head-on against their former employers.

Any business that would fire employees for expressing their first amendment rights deserves to be boycotted into bankruptcy!

Only one business in my community closed down for the event and it is the best Mexican restaurant in town. Someone posted on their Facebook page “I guess I’ll just go to Taco Bell instead.” and the restaurant just responded with a puking emoji. It was beautiful.

Be sure to tell them why.