
It’s surreal living in Trump America. Seeing him in the whitehouse feels fake ; like we are living in an alternate reality. I saw a clip of him meeting james comey and it reminded me of those old news reels of hilter after he was elected shaking people’s hands and meeting his staff. I can just

What was Giuliani saying “he didn’t know why people were protesting” THIS is why. The GOP loves to talk about how the Democrats want to destroy the constitution, THIS is what that looks like.

This was my favorite from the Philly march. Well done, person!

I was there today and can I tell you guys about a poignant moment? We were marching near the White House and there was this man standing by himself on the lawn. He was wrapped in the flag of his country and he had a placard that read: “I am a Syrian refugee...” The marchers fist pumped him and chanted “No hate, no

She’s so amazing

DC’s best sign:

My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.

Saw this on Instagram:

My fav in Austin.

“We’re stronger when you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you.”

Dear Herr Drumpf,

Apparently eight years under a black president turned white middle America into the most oppressed and systemically failed group in American history.

It’s difficult to overstate just how awful this speech was. That’s two times now (Republican Convention and inauguration) that Trump has had the chance to stand before a nation that includes many people nervous at the prospect of his presidency and deliver reassuring remarks that were prepared and rehearsed ahead of

The whole “drain the swamp” premise would be more compelling if he hadn’t filled his Cabinet with billionaires

The whole speech is one of the most jingoistic piece of shit I’ve heard in recent history.

Seriously, it’s about time to call on their bullshit the people who bring up the speech of “this is not the ‘right’ way to protest”, “those people aren’t activists, but vandals”, “rioting isn’t the answer”, “blocking traffick is wrong”, “you’re disturbing the life of others”!

This construction (oh no, be careful, don’t do anything, or the right wing will grow ever stronger) doesn’t work on me any more.

So basically just Trump supporters punching people and destroying stuff along with Police pepper spraying people for no reason. Got it.

Yes, why engage in political action when you can just vote once a year instead?

Protests are not meant to be orderly, cordoned-off events. Yes, sometimes traffic gets blocked. Sometimes business gets disrupted. Don’t do that kind of thing to protest your favorite band breaking up, but protesting Cheetolini? Hell yes! MLK, modernity’s favorite protester now viewed with rose-colored glasses,