Jessie Stoker

Yeah that’s irrelevant. We’re not talking about a new game not releasing on the old gen, we’re talking about and game that did release fucking up owners by not releasing the DLC on it and all that for such a trash reason. Just make the cloud worse on PS4.

We can’t keep supporting old hardware forever. It’s time to let the PS4 die so that the PS5 can fully remakes of gamecube and PS3 games.

Gotta love the “just buy the new one” comments. If it was something like “part of the gameplay requires 10,000 enemies with AI running on screen at the same time.” then yeah fine make it exclusive to this gen but when the issue is “the clouds won’t look as pretty” even though games like skyward sword have done pretty

Also to note; Nintendo is able to keep doing this specialized hardware thing only BECAUSE they have so much internal talent and IPs to lean on. Without it, they would have failed as hard as any other Japanese publisher (and even WITH those internal advantages it got pretty dicey during the Wii-U period).

Yoshi-P described it in the NoClip doc on FF14 as SE having a mentality in the mid-2000s of hyper skilled swordsmith crafting exquisite products while the industry as a whole was automating a ton of that labor intensive work so they could focus on the rest of the product and save money.

I’m going to say this without being ugly or mean (unlike quite a few of these responses - since when did commenting on the internet HAVE to be about being a dick?).

Ellie, in the games, makes no sense. Just like Nathan Drake makes no sense. Just like, honestly, Joel hardly makes sense. To be able to go out of your way

It’s totally wild, I think it’s respectable to have wanted better for him. After all, it would have taken so little for him to simply say something like “I don’t stand by any of this stuff I said, I think we were trying to be edgy and push comedy that was on or even across the line, it wasn’t good then and it doesn’t

He’s aggressively defending this review online, right now, and self-righteously victimizing himself over it. Not sure I’d go with “genuinely good dude” at this point.

What’s funny is that Monolith Soft the developers of Baten Kaitos, Xenoblade, and more, are arguably better than ever.

The thing actually in decline was... drum roll please... G4.

“JRPG” is only a negative term if you dislike JRPGs. Same is true of any label. See the vitriolic response to Suicide Squad being a shooter for a recent example of that.

Isn’t “Kotaku” a Japanese portmanteau of “ko” (small) and “otaku” (nerd), like how puppy (“koinu”) is “ko” (small) + “inu” (dog)? It may not be a word used in Japanese but it actually follows the language rules and isn’t just some made-up gibberish.

The thing that gets left out with this take is that it exists within a larger context.

I think the implication of the statement is that, quite literally, Trent Reznor write, composes, and produces ALL of NIN by himself. A few times earlier, he did it with Atticus Ross. Now, they BOTH officially compose NIN. But quite literally, without exaggeration, Trent Reznor IS Nine Inch Nails. Yes, he gets a full

Well said.

As somebody that doesn’t even remember the intro in the slightest, even after reading about it (that’s how much of a “fan” I am), I have to say, great commentary. Gawker media has really doubled down on outrage “journalism”, with the focus primarily on the outrage bit of it. Anymore it seems like all they care about

this would be GOLD

just because the person is a YouTube personality or whatever the hell Logan Paul is.”

Unfortunately it really is as simple as that: He’s famous and makes things that I like, therefore he’s innocent and actually there’s a worldwide conspiracy that are trying to put him down!

There’s something emotionally empty in

Like... why do people care if Logan Paul ISN’T a piece of crap who scammed his audience? Why are people rising up to defend this guy? I really don’t get it. If my favorite videogame franchise (like Halo) treated me poorly and used me as it’s own personal disposable income, while making very little effort in rectifying

DidYouKnowGaming is amazing and it is content like this that captures potential lost history of the game making process and ideas that should be preserved as well as the games themselves.