Jessie Stoker

Also? This is most likely a tactic to get Sony to play ball and stop trying to obstruct them purchasing ActiBliz. Like, “See? If you hadn’t tried to stop us, this all could have been avoided.”

Wait, didn’t Adult Swim NOT fire him after the case went public? Didn’t they fire him, like, very shortly after all the DMs to underage girls went public?

As in, his employer HAD to have known about his legal issues - they’re working with the man, he is an asset of theirs, this would not go unnoticed by them - but then

I can tell they’re fake. Is my bar all that low, too?
When I first saw these (before reading this) I knew they were fake... I mean, his face is PERFECTLY cut out in pictures that look like they are in motion. He has 3 legs in one of them. There are hands with really, REALLY prominent tendons/bones. It’s... it’s not

Here’s an example as to why I really hate this kind of game design: In Halo 1/2, Bungie (the developer) would put piles of guns and ammo into certain corners. Not hard to find, just like, if the enemies are through the next door, they’d put them to the side of the doorway... and in playtesting for Halo 3, they found

Here comes the asshole response!
I need to know who the hell these gamers are who literally need their hands held. Like, let’s just pause for a moment and look at what you can and can’t break in basically 99% of games:
- small wooden boxes with different textures: It is smaller than giant crates you might find? Does it

I actually agree a LOT with this, even if it sounds terrible. BUT, I think it has to be put into a specific context:

With some studios, such as Capcom, it was an attempt to emulate the West. Capcom’s executives outright moved veteran devs, such as Keiji Inafune, into more senior roles. Keiji Inafune was basically handed the same job as Shigeru Miyamoto, in that he had oversight of almost all Capcom projects, and the ability to guide

Nintendo basically is sort of an island in this example, which I appreciate you pointing out. They maintained being isolated to a single platform... which was good and bad for multiple reasons - great first and second party support, poor third party support.

This is interesting, because after reading the comments, all I can think with a lot of them is “you’re all right.” The Japanese gaming industry wasn’t ready to shift focus to multiple “similar” platforms simultaneously, they absolutely favored themselves over foreign ideas and people, and the change in what players

I’m going to say this without being ugly or mean (unlike quite a few of these responses - since when did commenting on the internet HAVE to be about being a dick?).

Ellie, in the games, makes no sense. Just like Nathan Drake makes no sense. Just like, honestly, Joel hardly makes sense. To be able to go out of your way

I’m going back and reading this stuff. Wow... just wow. Like, I specifically remember him around 2013/14 saying something I thought was profound and insightful, and now it’s like - holy shit dude, what the fuck? There’s “I have nothing to apologize for” and then there’s “why do you care so much I said hateful shit

Really, you had Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, The Last Story, Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Fire Emblem: Radiant dawn, Ni no Kuni, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XII (trilogy), Phantasy Star Universe, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Enchanted Arms, and a few others here and there that were

I am not a stan, I just wanted to be informative: Mr. Beast is literally one of the most philanthropic people with a public face right now. He got to being popular by literally giving completely strangers literal tens of thousands of dollars for either nothing, or for petty challenges. He started Team Trees and Team

Here’s my only defense of the people on these shows: They weren’t necessarily saying their own words. They were reading scripts. If you listen to Adam Sessler now, or after he left G4, or just him speaking his own words, you can see he’s definitely passionate about gaming, but he’s not, like, THIS level of effed up.

What really just hurts my soul, is knowing that Adam Sessler (the guy who’s narrating during the gameplay while the racist assault is going on over his narration) is a genuinely good dude. I’m glad he got away from all that. I wonder what he’s doing now...

Okay, millennial chiming in!

I grew up through the NES’s rise, and so I’ve basically played everything post-death-of-gaming (when Atari and the like temporarily killed the industry).

Okay, but then why can he become romantically interested - and be reciprocated - with any other female character? The game - and many like it - is a power fantasy. You - THE PLAYER - get to decide “I like the sporty chick... I’m going to pursue her.” In real life, if she wasn’t into you, she wouldn’t date you. In a

The issue is the exact same issue as any game with relationships you can grow: you are ALWAYS given this sort of option:

I think it mostly comes from a very earnest place, and I would argue that it’s only an issue because games are... games? They are interactive. You get to make choices - all sorts of choices - that maybe a sane person wouldn’t make. Like, looked through the lens of what makes sense, games fail miserably to that kind of

I like that the start of your message was all positive energy. And then the last 2 lines are just pure butthurt eyerolling.