Jessie Stoker

Yup, that’s exactly it. You’d pick up a skull, and it was active until you turned off the game/reset the game. And you would have to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU TURNED ON THE GAME.

Jervalin played on the original Halo 2 for Xbox... he didn’t play Halo MCC. So each stream, he would start up the game, and if you forget, Halo 2 used in-game profiles, not console-wide profiles, so he would startup a profile called “Blind” and it would have a checkpoint right before the Blind Skull, and so forth...

Brock is actually supposed to be 18 or 19 or even older I believe. I know in the show they dropped his age to make him fit in more with Ash and Misty, but I’m pretty sure he’s legally an adult in the games... I could be wrong, so don’t hold me to it.

Most Gym Leaders are adults. I can’t actually think of more than 5 that are children from Gen 1 to 6...
Brock - Adult
Misty - Child
Sabrina - Adult
Erica - Adult
Koga - Adult
Blaine - Adult
Lt. Surge - Adult
Giovanni - Adult

The thing is, if you just talk casually with a lot of different people, without them having been involved in an already current conversation or argument, they have very different opinions. There’s a lot of influence that comes from the loud folks, but also a lot of noise that nobody really cares about. It’s the

Candy Crush and the like, yeah.

That’s an interesting bit of data... are you referencing their total earning, or just their gross revenue, ie, their profit? Because I can’t find the numbers you quoted.

I recognize that these numbers are, for the most part, hard to verify, due to companies being sketchy or coy with their data, but this is a huge

Mmm... perhaps. But moreover (this is my opinion, I am not a prophet or psychic, I am stating how I think this situation is being played out), I feel like this is Sony just stirring the pot because it makes them look good. It makes fans feel good to read it - to feel valid that them liking COD matters, and that this

I get that the title of the article had “Bummer of an Ending” in it... but I mean... you came to a public website, available to anyone whatsoever (with internet access to it), and, I mean, I just sort of assume that if I go onto a gaming website, with forums and chat areas and articles written by authors rather than

I mean, MS hasn’t owned COD for... 21 years since their console has existed? And they aren’t dead yet? I think it’s safe to say they were fine not owning it.

You misunderstood what Sony and Microsoft were saying here. Sony is trying to keep people focused on COD, because they want to manage their own brand and image. If people worry that COD is going exclusive to Xbox, then they might speak up, ect... which is a distraction.

Because MS literally couldn’t care too much about

Only in the context of Sony’s argument. They brought it up in a way that matters to gamers and makes them feel validated. Sony’s argument of it being important had nothing to do with actual value, but on philosophical cultural value, and brand value. Of which, Microsoft doesn’t care. It can handle it’s image just fine

If anyone is curious, Microsoft didn’t buy Activision for COD. As nice as COD is, and as big a brand as it is, Microsoft bought Activision for King. King makes mobile titles. Those mobile titles have literally 4 to 5 times as many users as COD has ever had. Those mobile games rake in more than triple the amount COD


I think the extension of empathy here isn’t necessary. This person’s disposable income is so great that they spent this kind of money on a single game. More money than I can, quite literally, make in 4 to 5 years (I make about 20K a year).

Gender is quite literally a social construct. We attach ideas to genders, and we attach those genders to people, and the people who don’t appreciate being forced into a category that doesn’t sit well with them are seen as “other”.

There’s actually a LOT of women in sports who want non-gendered sports in general. There

This is the most honest and funniest answer.

Yes, because he spent who knows how many hours splicing together footage of hours worth of runs, pouring over specifics on how to cut it in such a way that looks legitimate, and just “decided at the last second” to show it instead of do the run himself... if you put that much time and effort into something, you didn’t

I mean, to appease fans, they could offer fans the tools to host their own servers, so the games multiplayers don’t die... or just engineer the games like back in the 90s and early 00s, where the game could create a host session for you to invite other players, no servers required (granted, that only applied on a

BOOK INCOMING - I mean, they want to make something for all ages - not something for adults only. Like, kids watch GDQ. Makes sense to me. I haven’t noticed in the past few years anyone really being nervous about presenting, and I never once thought, “Oh, they aren’t playing this-or-that game”. If anything, the new