Comments like this are exactly why I picked the name. I spend so much time reading such horrible things on this site, that the occasional chuckle from a shared interest keeps me sane. I’d be a gibbering mess otherwise.
Jason-Pierre Paul watches this and exclaims: “Hold my beer.”
Any specific lines of code that you had in mind in mentioning that?
When asked how Harvey looked playing catch, pitching coach Dan Warthen said, “Very handsome.”
If anyone knows about Bullshit Football, it’s the Titans.
Not following traffic laws is attempted suicide.
From the AP wire: Gawker Media announced a huge trade today, with Hamilton Nolan and Dog going from the flagship to Deadspin in exchange for Albert Burneko and a 2016 first-round pick.
After the game, the 49ers crappy fans helped shank a Ravens fan in the parking lot.
Except F1 appeals to about 300 people worldwide.
God I hope not.
Mike Huckabee: America’s Awful Father-in-Law
I will stand for a lot, but I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS. A “g.” OBVIOUSLY.
Announcers kept saying the wind was blowing out, but the Cards didn't hit 6 HRs. Maybe they were lying?
I’m not very often, but I think I’m gonna make an exception in this circumstance.
They were driving high and endangering other innocent motorists on the road, sure I’d rather they’d not be dead, but fuck ‘em. These are the kinds of people who wipe out other people’s families simply because they’re getting their own jollies off.
So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.
Oh yeah, that game was huge. People still talk about it to this day.
"Fuck our demographic."—Tim Marchman