
The 6p is still sold out. Fucking Google. Take my money!

He totally banged that chick didn’t he.

Ahh. It seems to be an in store deal instead of an online deal.

Ahh. It seems to be an in store deal instead of an online deal.

Sadly it only works for windows 10. If it worked for 7, and steam games, this would be a possible buy but until then I’m just going to sit here salivating.

Your powers will not work on me you silly billy.

Ah conservatives. Against “government waste” and “undue regulation” for things like the environment, the financial system, the energy economy (oil), road ways, prisons, education, housing, medical care, voter registration, identification, and my personal favorite political donations, but trying to see if someone

Okay buddy.

Nothing like miniscule coffee grounds in your coffee. Disclosure: I have and love my french press, however be prepared for some ground slippage.

Nothing like miniscule coffee grounds in your coffee. Disclosure: I have and love my french press, however be

Funny. I don’t remember reading “you have the right to bribe politicians and fleece the public” in the constitution, first amendment or not.

He’s an adult. I don’t care if he’s immature, adult actions create adult consequences. This motherfucker reserves a lot worse.

You’re missing the point. The driver will go to jail and deservedly so. That doesn’t mean the rider isn’t a d-bag who rode without caution or the legality to do so. Those are not mutually exclusive.

The guy was riding without a license. It follows that maybe he should have been more careful then not. Did he deserve to get hit? No. Is he a fucking moron? Yes.

What about a 6p?

In financial speak there is a going concern.

Lol. It’s a joke idiot.

God damn is he lucky he didn’t have brain damage. Married to a Kardashian is not something to mess around with.

The acting is... I can’t tell if I love it or hate it. Now i have to watch the whole thing.

You mean you don’t want to spend $56 then buy batteries on to of that?

Your name is adequate.