
“Now that PC having is essentially dead...” What do you mean? I switched to pc from ps3 and never looked back. Most big games are on PC and I got them for cheaper. (Not trying to be that guy, honestly curious).

If I looked like that is kill myself. Fucking weirdo hippie wannabes.

“Not to be racist but black people shouldn’t be able to vote.”

What? He had Bobby Rainey in his family fantasy league. Nothing wrong with that.

It’s hard not to love the bills.

What was this guy thinking. He’s a punter not a quarterback.

Grinding was why you went to school dances back in my day. Ten years ago. Jesus that’s weird.

Thanks #AEO for Hillary Duff’s nipple through a white shirt! #NationalCoffeeDay

Translation: I have mine, fuck everyone else.

Yeah but did agree lose the weight? All that liver weight?

Using the same photo definitely made me laugh. Nicely done.

It’s like watching art.

He’s stealing picnic baskets in heaven now.

By a specific sect in Buddhism. The Dalai Lama isn’t a part of that sect. It’s almost as if you have no idea what you are talking about.

Guy’s like 80. I’ll forgive him on this since he’s the Dalai Lama.

There will always be french Canadians to discriminate against. Damn Frenchies.

“Hey, you’re on camera! That’s assault and battery you know?”

Mmm... They still deserve some form of discipline. Very least being ineligible for football for the rest of their high school days. “He told me to do it” still isn’t a valid defense.

“professor Gruenfeld’s work on the psychology of power not only gives credence to the old adage that power corrupts, but it explains why this occurs.”

Boooooo. You suck.