
Besides the fact that your comment makes no sense, the woman who was raped wasn’t the one who was all over him, so I don’t get your point.

Whoa buddy. Slow down. You are thinking too hard, you might need your brain cells for breathing Seems like that task would take all of your analytical ability.

Moe Szyslak killed the original Alfalfa. That is all.

The trailer starts out so great! Then your point is made, and something is going to destroy the world, blah blah blah. It’s like... So close, but so far.

Because no one wants to pick vegetables for a living except illegal immigrants. I wouldn’t worry about it, you should save your thinking for breathing. I’m sure that requires most of your attention.

My worst nightmare which will probably happen is Clinton v. Bush. Clinton would win (Presidential elections swing to the Democrats who finally show up to vote). And yes, I’d vote Clinton. Not happily.

You... Do know Trump makes money on wall street right? And nothing will stop manufacturing jobs being shipped overseas. If we had a better distribution of wealth then the net gain from cheaper manufacturing would be better felt among the masses.

God I hate children.

Yeah, I always have people trying to step over me when I’m flying. And I’m a short thin white guy! I fly 5-7 times a year and it happens maybe three out of 5 times.

This wasn’t even my bad post.

Communism is an option this year? Count me in!

I mean... She’s been on the internet right?

I like old Bush. The worst thing about him was having kids. He was a politician that did what had to be done even when it hurt him (“Read my lips: no new taxes” raises taxes when needed). Moreover, people getting old remind me of my parents getting old. Feel better Mr. President!

Boooooo. The world is not black and white, there are shades of grey. Somethings are so dark they are black, but not everything can be that way. Killing animals for food, raising them and slaughtering them, is not the same as hunting something for sport, and hunting an animal which is overpopulated (deer) is not the

Baby parts, obviously. I mean have you ever had some fetal brain tissue on toast? Spreads better than butter but with half the fat.

That’s... Not a bad idea.

-2 guys on the grassy knoll.

The women behind him laughing her ass off is the best part.

The play was over, the runner at third should have been safe but was pressed off the bag (not pushed, pressed). That’s some bs. He should have been sitting on the bag but still.