
Easily one of the best games of 2014. Awesome story, awesome guns, weird sex cutscenes, and tons of B.J. on Nazi violence. Oh, and a cameo by Jimi Hendrix.

Seems like the Contigo West Loop deal is gone? They’re all ringing in at $18.55 for me.

Seems like the Contigo West Loop deal is gone? They’re all ringing in at $18.55 for me.

As a Masshole and Pats fan, I salute you, you magnificent bastard!

Finally, a proper Romeo & Juliet Valentine’s Day enaction!

A Ford Fusion

This is what “5 minutes into Netflix and Chill” looks like in reality.

Yeah, Crucible is a flaming turd right now. Unless you have Invective, which has somehow become a sniper rifle ranged shotgun. Dead bodies floating, killing everything they touch. Random lags when everyone has green bars. Unopenable special & heavy ammo boxes. Spawns in front of firing Guardians resulting in

Maybe it’s just me reeeeeally wanting one to exist, but any chance this could be the new turbo AWD GNX that was rumoured a few years back? Buick just snatched up that fancy true AWD system...

Yup, and that was a deal breaker for me. I have a decent home theater, and this remote is more of a PItA than just using my Harmony and the PS4 controller. Button presses either lagged to the point I hit the button twice, resulting in errant chapter skips, FF, etc. or just didn’t get sent. Trying to mute or adjust

OpenWheeler Cockpit ...

Haha, yeah that “3 runs without wrecking your Sparrow” took the longest of all the bounties! Oh, you got bounced into a wall? YOU EXPLODE! Oh, you hit a gate into another rider? Let's just spin you 100 feet in the air and THEN you explode.

Anyone else having Gunsmith test weapons uncomplete when swapped for another weapon? It seems to autocomplete when you re-edit, though. More of a visual error than a glitch. XP gained still works as expected.

Gotta say, that Sunless Cell Nightfall last week with special weapon and void burns was a blast with this guy.

I got the PS4 controller for $39 at GameStop. The one near me is in a Plaza with CVS, Dunkin Donuts, and a liquor store, so I didn’t get punched in the ball bag like those Walmart cretins.

The Old Blood is a an amazing game. Classic Wolfenstein.

Yup. I had one 60GB PS3 fatboy for 5 years until I upgraded my Home Theater and wanted a PS3 that could Bitstream the HD audio formats. Meanwhile, I went through 2 360s and a slim before giving up on that nonsense. My launch PS4 is holding up great despite marathons of Destiny and Netflix binges.

I’m gonna also send a warning on ADATA’s quality. It’s slightly better than a Chinese knockoff of a 1978 Ford Maverick. I bought a trio of their microSD cards a couple years ago, and every one of them stopped writing shortly after the warranty. Never buying their stuff again.

I’m gonna also send a warning on ADATA’s quality. It’s slightly better than a Chinese knockoff of a 1978 Ford

Wait a minute. Waterston was on Law & Order, now sells robot insurance. Meloni was on Law & Order:SVU, now fights robots. How does Vincent D’Onofrio play into this game?

“I’m not dead”

I stopped buying exotic engrams from Xur a while ago. The only helmets I ever got were Obsidian Mind, Light Beyond Nemesis, Eternal Warrior, Achlyophage Symbiote, or Knucklehead Radar. Been playing since Alpha, and never got The Ram to drop for me despite completing every Nightfall on 3 characters and probably 50