
Yup. My favorite of the Legendary snipers.

Iron Banner is fun and all, but how about more Queen's Wrath? That added some welcome changes to the mission grinds. Plus, I could really want a 331 Supremacy.


To be fair, you're comparing an arcady-sim game that has been released and updated numerous times (Driveclub) with a full simulator that hasn't been released yet (CARS). I also didn't see which build of CARS they were comparing. I agree Driveclub is a gorgeous game, but I'm gonna wait for the release of CARS to make a

I feel fine. I think I'll go for a walk. I feel happy! I feel alive! I...

Yeah, the replay on this was off the charts for me. I played both story branches, then went back for all the skill trees & trophies. When PSN is down (which, sadly, happens more often than it should), this is my go to game. I only wish it had a co-op mode.


They can have parole, but have to have their hands removed.

I'd like a legit answer to this, too. Also, any input as to why PC games plummet in price but the same title on consoles is usually $40-$60 for life would be great.

Mystery Men

Hmm. Last I checked 3 days was 72 hours, not 12-14.

I came here to say Suzuki Esteem. Was not disappointed. So much Esteem that the badges are just shiny vinyl stickers. Such a miserable car.

"100 burritos for 100 dollars. Mmm, yes. That should suffice for the Doctor Who marathon."

I would absolutely love for Anonymous or Finest Squad to find and release the personal info for some of these douchelickers. I have nothing better to do than pound some of these Fanta sipping Dorito munchers right in front of their parents, which is what they should have done in the first place. Fuck the "everybody is

Yet another thing that's never explained in-game, but makes perfect sense. I don't know what I like more: Destiny the game or Destiny the community!

Always wondered what Thrall did in their spare time. Loot farming, from the looks.

"A million deaths is not enough for Master Ra'houl"

At least in New England, and especially at grocery stores, every damn day. I often have 'oops it slipped' moments hauling my wife's wheelchair and a shopping carriage across the lot.

Better yet, reduce whatever salary & benefits he has currently to what SSDI pays & Medicare gives (well, the UK versions of those, I guess) - along with appropriate wait times and life consumption for filing, denial, appeal, denial, re-appeal, denial, etc.

The PS4 app doesn't seem to be on Amazon's app store, from my searches. This tablet can't run apps from Google Play because it is a custom version of Android, not AOSP.

The PS4 app doesn't seem to be on Amazon's app store, from my searches. This tablet can't run apps from Google Play