MINI Driver


They will pass this crap, but won’t pass a bill banning child marriage. I am so tired of being ashamed and embarrassed of the state that I live in.

You realize there are sane people living in the states between New York and California, right? We’re here fighting this bullshit non stop.

“Today I put my hand on a Bible. I wasn’t under oath when I wrote that book”. Queen.

Please add

But wait. We tell him, “yeah, Chief, we’re working on some space cops now, and they’re THE BEST! In fact, you should go visit them because they all LOVE you.”

We should have a new force called the Space Force. It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space, because we’re spending a lot of money on space.

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

Please, do go on.

This just reminds me of the Halloween I got kicked out of the Assisted Living Center because dressing as the Grim Reaper was “inappropriate” and “wrong” and “27 is too old to go trick or treating”

Well, there were two paths she could go by... But in the long run there’s still time to change the road she’s on.

It’s just a spring clean for the May Queen.

i’m alarmed that they kicked her bustle to the hedgerow.

Ok, so let’s play this game. Hypothetically I’m pregnant, and I just found out. The apparently fully-autonomous person inside me has existed since “conception”, which I take to mean Sperm has been invited into Egg’s abode for drinks and getting-to-know-yous, so at a minimum about a week, because I peed on the stick at


I fucking hate these people so much...

I was hoping for something a little more Monty Python.

Eagerly awaiting the third panel where it zooms in even further to find his brain.

I should have known my ex was trouble when he didn’t know where that quote came from.