
I can’t help but wonder how Lavar Ball might be seen differently if he were white and his kids played a sport in which they were less visible, like say, baseball. Would he be perceived in a more favorable light by the mostly white press that questions his character at every turn? Would Deadspin feature a snarky post

Obviously if a man cries there is something wrong with him. That’s the story you want to tell?

Do you also like him because he is articulate?

I think you misunderstand me slightly. I think that the parties on the receiving end had every right to be offended by this comment. It was using a massive stereotype, while in a position of power, to disregard an opinion. Everything is situational. In this context, this was not an appropriate comment, just like

This is a variation of the classic “if one black person have given you permission to use the n-word.. then one black person has given you permission to use the n word.” This is a joke that would be (I’m assuming and giving benefit of the doubt here) OK if he made it in a family environment, but, not acceptable with a