
And there's the noise pollution.

It's 2014, and they still handle their garbage by just throwing it in huge piles of bags on the sidewalk.

I believe the Model X actually uses a smaller motor up front?

Holy crap that music is annoying. One single poorly mixed drum beat on loop through the whole thing.

Not in any way at all?

So ... it's just Gravity, with a *little* more front and back end story, and dialogue that wasn't written by a high school boy?

Me? I'm super pro gun. I 3D printed an AR15 reciever in 2007, *years* before 3d-printed guns hit the mainstream media. I've also done some machining, but I'll leave it at that, since I'm in California.

And us poor folks who can only afford $100 Windows phones as just sitting here sighing as every product that comes out supports only iOS and/or Android.

Apple seems to be very involved in the use of false media and reporting to help along this iPhone launch.

" Family Court official"

Family courts aren't real courts. They lie well outside the scope and influence of criminal and civil courts.

It's not about being "tech-obsessed human psyche". It's about the techno chic that we have now. It's about narciccism. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, and often they can do that by feeling "special", or better than other people. Apple marketing tapped into that very directly.

'A coffeeshop/library with absolute silence'

I wonder how much it'll go for? $500 million? The sale seems like a great opportunity to launder some money or evade some taxes.

For God's sake, use double-stick foam tape to stick down the bottom of your license plate and frame!

I'll reply to my own post and be slightly more helpful:
The whole thing doesn't seem to be avaialble online. They talk about how coastal mangroves prevent sea encroachment, although that might have been modulo global warming & rising sea levels.

You don't even need to go electric. If government just regulated the volume output of diesel engines, then we'd have quiet garbage trucks. The engines aren't designed with any emissions controls in mind, chemical or noise, since most states simply don't require them.

Replant dem mangroves!

In the same vein of massive scale environmental engineering projects: There's a great PBS documentary about the Salton Sea, down in SoCal, and it's extreme decline. Some theories now float around that the sea sustained a weather system there which is now disappearing, and having negative effects further north.

Any trailer with that many cuts and that music a music swell is trying to hide a deficiency in the film itself :\

Nissan undershot it. 80 miles is insufficient range, especially when the charging infrastructure isn't being built. It's essentially at a standstill in California (except Tesla), and every prediction is that the marketplace for charging is going to get much, much worse before it gets any better. Layers of providers,