
> There was a really cute lady in the car and he just wanted to impress her.

level 2 charger in 5 hours, and their charger does it in 30 minutes?
Highest level 2 power is 19.2 kW. They claim to charge 10 times as fast as that, so, around 190 kW.
The Tesla Supercharger delivers only 120 kW, and is considered to be at about the charging rate limit of the whole battery pack.

So, these folks might be

Is it quiet? If so, how on earth did they possibly make it quiet? Because rotaries are insanely loud.

Now someone needs to post a GIF from 1945 Strikers III (or an equivalent game) where you fly around have have little drones next to you shooting whenver you shoot ...

Newp. On a stir plate, in a lab, not under a vent. No bueno.

omg, you live in Pasadena. I really want to move back there. I'm jealous.
Buy me a house. Or let me live in a tent in your yard.

Whoa, they should not be using nitric acid outside of a vent hood.

No permanent magnets. One of Tesla's primary innovations is a high power inductoin motor. I believe Fukuta is the subcontractor or consultant on the motor design.

The rotor definitely is, yes. That was one of Tesla's original patents, water cooling of the rotor of an induction motor.

> cellphone quality still blows in the very best of circumstances

So many fixes that no one wants to even think about.

Large robotic parking structure underground. 5 stories of stacked urban farm above ground. Playground on top.

Almost every post office I've been in to, I could work there for 6 months, and reduce the unpleasantness of the experience by 90%.

Now playing

Definitely check out this engine, the Snow Engine:

There are fakes there to entice people to join.

I'm not sure if he's right, actually. The intersection points and shadow edges that he's talking about might not actually be observable, due to special relativity. That is, for the case of the parts of the scissors moving in space, you wouldn't "see" the intersection point going faster than the speed of light, because

"Just Like Us"

So, match.com owns OKCupid. The databases are merged, you know. Unfortunately, match.com has a *huge* number of fake profiles in their databases, and that pollutes the OKC landscape.

Let's not forget the theory that Phelps was actually a deep cover troll who architected the whole to result in the self-maligning of modern practice of Christianity, and force eyes and ears onto the issue, and force them/us to really hash it out.

I've seen pretty much every single video in this genre and related genres that is avaialble out there on the internet. Yes, it can be reproduced and faked, but it always reads as a fake. Simultaneously, something that is then genuine has all these impossibly little cues that establish a genuine feel to it. For those