
As another reply to Damon, I wrote up a long list of the ways which Tesla could be politically attacked.


> They have a fixed reduction gear, not a transmission.

Shouldn't you be able to get RU486 prescribed by *any* doctor, not just an abortion clinic doctor?

I'll bet anyone here $100K right now that the next president will be a woman.

The Logan's Run-esque appeal of that thing is kind of curious, actually.

(I can't edit a reply, apparently? so here's a second reply)

> electric cars don't have transmissions?

Tesla is going to beat them to market. It's the same story as it has been for the electric sector.

> As for them operating with impunity, I believe that video just showed

Collectively difficult to own, difficult for us as a society. Not individually difficult.

Now playing

People Behaving Badly is so wonderful.
But this pales in comparison to their greatest piece:

Now playing

So now Harely riders are literally going to have to do this:

The F35 isn't designed to be a great plane. The point of the F35 is that we are designing the mainstay of the airforce for everyone else in the world. Thus the formulation of the buy-in method of the project, such that other countries would end up flying the F35. Thus, the US has designed the "best" fighter that

I remember when that prototype was first shown. There was some *serious* Gawker payola going on there. Every single gawker sub-site had 3x stories a day on it for a solid week. Shit, I think there were even stories on Jezebel about it.

Panicking on a bicycle causes weird stuff to happen, due to body weight shifting and camber thrust steering. And at low speeds, you don't have angular momentum helping you out, either.

The state is in the wrong 2x here. First, the entirety of the restoration work, including all labor hours put into it, can be treated as damages caused by the state to Caperon. Second, unless they can establish mens rea for the ownership of the car on the part of Caperon, there's no basis for the transfer of property

The can on the back is probably just an expansion chamber, that would allow the sound pressure level of the exhaust to be measured in a closed-environment sort of way.

Looks like a tokamak (torroidal) reactor, but one that has a 2x spiral twist in it. Because the cross-section is that bean shape, you can see the shape twisting as it goes around the azimuth direction.

Does the soundcloud embedded player seriously not have a volume control on it? Or am I stupid and just can't find it?