
Woozle wuzzle? Is that what passes for entertainment these days?

We can hope it's not a gas leak year

Yeah it's definitely not Veep's third season coming up.

New In Town is seriously the greatest. Can't wait for the new one Friday.

True story: I'd make up lyrics to accompany every song in the original game and just kind of mindlessly sing them on a loop as I cruised through the level. Then I learned the Marble Zone bass line and it became my favorite thing to play. So yeah, guess I'd call this music genius as well.

Just applied a spoiler tag for a 12 year old reality show, hope you're happy.


In lighter news, The Mole is easily the best reality show ever.

The prize was also completely fucked up. You only get the million bucks if EVERY SINGLE member of your immediate family shows up at the wedding. Hope that one difficult brother can get past your fiancé vomiting on him or whatever.

I'll always remember My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé for starting off as goofy stupid shit and halfway through transforming into the woman's family's devastating struggle to accept their daughter's baffling life choice. It was the strangest tonal shift I've seen on a reality show, the absolute apex of mid-2000s FOX

I enjoy both National and (especially) Menonena but these guys together form a whole new energy I wasn't expecting. Like the Wolf Parade comparison, cause like Krug and Boekner they seem like they bring out the best in each other.

The Familiar is fucking awesome. It's like a TV show but it's a book and it's lovely. Can't wait for volume 2

Teti I hope you realize that's a simile, not a metaphor.

Yeah plus if you cut the Mayonnaise out of the honky burger you're getting rid of a central female character, another thing the internet hates, and replacing her with a dude, and the dude-to-chick with speaking roles ratio was already 90s enough as it was at ol bluffington elementary, unless you're going to cut off

Make Doug gay but do it via a psychosexual bloodbath that slowly takes shape over three years a la Hannibal.

Whenever I don't win Dinger Derby in Mario Party 4.

Same. Born in '88 and my grunge stage probably peaked at the turn of the century. You know, when "Kryptonite" was the biggest song in the country. That's why we should give The Strokes more credit. They may not of been rock saviors, but them and their peers helped reverse a very dark post-Cobain era.

As long as this covers why he inexplicably yelps when you select the all-rookie team I'll be reading this.

If I were this guy and a bunch of musicians were putting together a Kanye cover band I'd be PISSED if I wasn't the first guitarist they called after this.

So you're saying Kanye doesn't care about black people?