
You responded there to MY post saying I hope that the predators of children in Hollywood are outed next. You can probably see how someone responding to me saying that by only going on about parents need to be responsible would make me go “WTF”. Obviously parents should be responsible. These creeps look for the poor

Read thread - I have kids, I thought some iCarly was arguably kind of low level, innuendo/messed up....but by the time Sam & Cat in my opinion it had really escalated and was so blatantly sexualised that I was like “Nope, we’re not watching this crap!”

So you think people who abuse kids should not be exposed because “it’s their parents fault?” I think parents should look after their children too but that doesn’t excuse abuse happening to kids. Predators look for kids who’s parents are clueless. Predators hire kids who’s parents seem like they aren’t going to protect

Yes like any “reality” thing they seem to roughly plan what they are going to do/say but the dad’s annoyance/anger is definitely real a lot of the time. (Like when he misunderstood the steward on the Orient Express and thought his name was “Stewart” and his son made fun of him, or when his son dropped food on his suit

Yes, almost did separate comment mentioning him!

Ugh, I just watch the Jack Whitehall “Travels With My Father” series (husband’s turn to choose on Netflix) and there is a weird cameo by Segal. I looked it up because it was so odd and Whitehall said he saw him in the hotel lobby and approached his agent to see if he could say hello (didn’t want to do it on camera).

Lots of rumors about child predators in the business too. Waiting to see if people get outed for that too!

Glad this stuff is all finally starting to get real coverage. All been open secrets so long. I’m hoping someone currently also behind the scenes getting ready to report the rumored kids TV show stuff.

And if she is relying on that type of thing monetarily how much longer is it going to realistically last? I have no idea but gotta figure it’s most likely a young person’s game...

I never really liked John Grey in the books. Was pleasantly surprised by the show character - who I DO like!

I agree, she’s better later on.

Neither Roger or Bree are close what I had in my head. More so than the other characters. Roger maybe growing on me a bit.

Yeah, I didn’t expect FULL ON book Frank (although you do find out later he maybe KNEW SONE STUFF and was trying to protect Bree and maybe couldn’t say what he knew so some of his a-hole behaviour was him being misunderstood) but even if he’d just come home when Bree was a baby and the House was a mess and Claire was

Oh no, I would have died! I had read the books and knew what was coming and I just didn’t want to watch it personally. (I ran off before it started and sat in the hall and told my husband to tell me when it was over - like a child and a scary show 😂. He’s used to me.)

I don’t know, they were meant to be in their 20s before and in their 40s now. The actors are actually late 30s. I don’t think it’s that unrealistic. I know some attractive people in that age bracket and they have stayed attractive ha ha.

Most people don’t like Brianna much in the book either, she’s the one people always complain is one dimensional. I (wondered if this was actually a master stroke of casting since people say the same in the show ha ha.)

I know right? Why is Ron Moore so set on making him this great guy? I get that we find out later he knew more and tried to protect Bree etc but THERE WAS NO “OPEN MARRIAGE” IN THE BOOK! Why make Claire the bad guy there in the show? And Claire had no living family so what a load of crap “she could have left”, in the

I’m having trouble even reading this as I’m so worn down. How about we all just demand REAL CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM and not allow rich people and corporations to have so much power over our elected officials? That is the root cause of much of the bad stuff that is happening.

Have you tried Cerave? I love it myself but everybody’s skin is different (For instance - I don’t like Cetaphil, while everyone one else raves about it I find it irritates me skin!) Good luck!