
Affleck was one of the...least bad parts of BvS, but his performance in Justice League could best be described as “palpably embarrassed to even be there.”

It’s frustrating because his performance in UNCLE proves Cavill can bring a lot of warmth and charm to a role, but apparently that’s not what Snyder wanted from him, so instead we got a sulky, glowery Superman who’s about as inspirational as a wet sponge.

I hope they cast Jordan as the next Superman, if for no other reason than to see the racists lose their shit over a non-white Superman. The explosion of fan-boy/white supremacist intersection is going to be delicious. You know what? Let’s turn all the white male superheroes into gay women of color just for fun to see

To me the problem with his “Superman” was that he wasn’t really a character. He was just a blank slate that other characters projected their philosophies on while he stared blankly at them. We don’t get much on his own opinions, likes, or even dislikes.

So can we freaking Flashpoint this thing already or what?

I’m sure the response to the possibility of a black Superman will be totally reasonable and measured... Remind me not to go on reddit for a while.

Said it before, both Cavill and Affleck were ideally suited for the roles, but were failed by the material.

I don’t see the Michael B. Jordan thing happening, but if it did would he be the first actor to star in Marvel, DC and Fox comic book movies? He just needs a Sony Spider-Man cameo to get the comic book EGOT.

Jordan would do a good job if those reports are true, but I would have gone with a Latino or Middle Eastern actor for Superman. I think that Superman’s story has always been the story of an immigrant who was welcomed to America by its most loving people, and who repaid that love by becoming our greatest champion. I

And it’ll be especially awkward writing Superman out of the films when the old “I have to go now, my planet needs me” excuse isn’t possible.

It hard for me to say that Ted Danson is MORE deserving than the rest of the cast of The Good Place, which inexplicably did not get nominated (whither Tahani??).


Can’t blame someone who isn’t real, so nothing to worry about there.

how about not touching anyone other than a handshake?  quit invading people’s personal spaces

My brother is 6' 6", and I’ve never seen him in person or in photos doing a reach-around-boob-grope like this, and he has had female friends who are much shorter. Shoulders are the standard, because he isn’t a skeevy, entitled shit.

I personally and sincerely apologize to Ariana and to her fans and to the whole Hispanic community”

His fingers are digging in. No way he didn’t feel the soft tissue.

I'm on team “Don’t touch a person you don’t know”. He shouldn’t be hugging everyone by default!

A person’s ribs feel pretty different than their breast. I know this from experience, a student of mine teared up over a poor grade and I gave her an awkward hug to comfort her. I realized what I had done, and even before she reacted I pulled my hand away and apologized. I am relating this embarrassing moment to make

Sexual assault, plain and simple. Fucking disgusting.