
ADs got out of control. Having to listen to the same ad over and over. Things moving on screen because of it. Super annoying. Take back how annoying they are, and maybe people won’t block them as much. making people pick and ad, or forcing ads to replay when there is a need to refresh is why people enable this stuff.

I just want to scream...”TURN RIGHT!!! So much easier to fly outside of all that nonsense.”

I applaud the attempt. But this won’t last.

Isn’t overcharged a qualification for a quest on that new patrol mission where you run through the energy? I still can’t figure out how to do that.


I wish there was a resource to find those non-name brands, made in the same factory, type matresses. My buddy got one at Walmart, called some no name brand, and showed up with Sealy on it, and made from the same everything. They are just so expencive and I dont think in this market $ = Value. I mean, how can they

Do you have to do all gunsmith tasks on Wednesday ONLY, or Wednesday on until Tuesday?
Should we save rewards packages?

And Xur is totally random....riiiiiiiiight. Well played Bungie. We can’t trust anything you say.

you mean the sun shines in the faces of one team for one half while playing “fake car soccer?” You don’t say...

May as well dismiantle any non essential purples now. So I guess that free’s some vault space right off the bat.

No no no no no no no. Cars using power ups to move a ball around a quasi soccer field is SO very far from Soccer.

Why not say Hockey instead? Or Lacrose?

Where is the ball control? 45 minutes of running constantly. the physcial aspects of the game. Match ups, subsititutions and so much more.

gawd love you for trying

DLC, brah! $20 or $40 if it was made by Bungie.

Where is my Dwight meme? Come on commentators

I noticed only rewards up to level 2, and level 2 is like thousands of XP away. If there are no bounties left, as in you have done them all, how are we supposed to get to Lvl. 2 before Tuesday? Do you get more Queens XP some other way? thanks

Its not a problem they want to fix.

"Our hope is that social engagement in public spaces is only one part of the Destiny experience."

By not having voice communication at all for the first several months...riiiight....riiight...

People always say they elect the guy you'd want to have a beet with. I think if an ex-actor can be Governor of California and President of the USA (for the radical right) John has a chance. He is no bullshitter. People want/need that now more than ever. And you know he won't care about his 'politics'. He'd be this new

Simple fix for this Xur issue. "Xur is available once between Monday and Thursday night. Once you visit him, he will leave. Unless it is between Friday-Saturday when you can make multiple visits." Done and done. Bungie, message me for invoice. ;-)