
Scene: internal board room of FPS game (maybe cod)
Knife in head? NO.
Knife across neck? NO!
Kill innocent people in airport? ehhhh NOT FAR ENOUGH!
Look in the eyes of a guy you knife? meh...boring.
Survive nuke blast? ehh closer, but no!
oooo kay...Zombies? ehh but EEEEVVVVERYONE is ZOMB'd out!

RIGHT cause media magazine, tv and more dont already? pu-lease

RIGHT cause media magazine, tv and more dont already? pu-lease

uhhhh the AI is atrocious. SO you tick your head out 1.5 feet and the guy 6 feet away cant see you. Or you go to take down two guys, while first guy is flipped over, the other guy just waits his turn? Meanwhile making NO NOISE to the guy in the tower only 15 feet away. Uhhh I remember when these games used to be hard

What about searching the internet from spotlight? That appears to be gone, so now I have to go to safari every time?

I really loved my dreamcast. Tony hawk, echo, NFL 2k1, so many awesome games. jet set radio. SEGA NET!!!

Ha, you used my gammer tag in your article "apotheosis" so many people dont know the word, but I love it.

Took 20 minutes to get you to shoot something? hmmmm

Cant search the internet with it any more. LAME

Iphone 4here. worked like a charm. Few notes:
Once your itunes tells you your phone will reboot, mine didnt. waited waited, nothing. so i unplugged from phone, hard reboot with home and power, rebooted, did another status bar on phone for a minute, then BOOM to welcome screen. And its awesome. wee slow when you open a

Does it wipe all pics and data? I am guessing it does.

Looks like a reboot of Halo. The guns looks VERY similar. anyone?

I hear you. Look at all the wasted space on the left side of the page! I end up squinting now to read the posts. Too crammed. Dislike

You are correct, I looked it up after posting this, they need to do better at designing the app so that the share button looks more like a button

uhhh big factor, all icons are loaded up to cloud for others to use. so the picture of my mom can be anyones icon? really shitty.

Really? this is what we get after being told "we want to give you something good" from Ken. come on man....you realized the second DLC is taking waaaaay too long and instead loaded up a map with waves of guys and said, here eat this while you wait.....I better be getting more out of my first ever bought season pass,

Sorry but you are wrong. Proven by a buddy of mine. I challenged him and he beat the game with that same starting point.

Well....being a CIV nut, I challenged my buddy to do this exact scenario. And he beat the game with the starting point. Unreal. I have to find out in more detail what he did, but sure enough, it CAN be done.

where is part 2? cant find it