
sadly....HD DVD

Loved wee-bay. Dude was legit. real in every way. even took some murders too. real g. Just like Bodie. Bodie was my fav.

How old are those games tho? disagree. I think if you tested it today with people who hadn't played either, BS would win.

Cost? Look? details. details. Not a pep rally.


reports are saying this was all off a pc.....hmm

They need to find a way to make it profitable for companies. The buying of a pass online seems okay to me.

Or if you have a mac, just install. Wait, and go at it.

They just need to allow for 10 dollars activation codes and tell stores they cannot resell for more than 50 per or whatever they pick. So stores can still resell, but wont rob you blind. And then the company still makes 10 off you being able to play it. they need to figure this out without blocking it. someone will

I knew there was a reason I never played madden. 2k for life!

I would love to see a silverlight section. On a mac silverlight is a pia.

as long as he knows what he is doing, I dig it. He is purposely messing with people. should be on college humor as a series.

Mac gammers are the most deprived group in gaming. Id love a XCOM for mac. And many games. Crossover ain't the same. And f windows, I dont want it just to game.

My biggest flaw for BL2 is inventory cap. Make that shit 100!! let me keep my loot. 1 bazillion guns, 30 some odd slots.

What about Jack Richer trailer? World of Warcraft trailer? I hate this debate. It is irrelevant in this day and age when you can google more violating images on google image search. is google to blame now?

Who is this hack talking? He just rambles. Video games are preachers? I hate the news. Its all garbage. I bet he likes James Bond and movies like that. But he sure doesn't mention those. he blames facebook? "I guess you can put games on there..." You guess? Animated preachers? my god this guy is an idiot.

I use maps more than almost every other app on my phone. the happiness shown on here for google maps I think is purely the fact that the app we didn't realize we loved and depended on so much, is back. Especially after trying all the other ones. yikes. I use maps every single day on my phone. If you live in a city and

Nick cage

Ilford has been around for a long time. 130 years. Im sure these are top notch cameras with good film and they print really nice shots back in the UK. Would I take it to Walgreens? hell no. But its better than the one you buy at 6 flags made in china with a dolphin print on it.

Android has this far better than apple. One of the biggest things I miss of my android was a lock screen widgetlocker app. Thing was awesome. I could go right into vlingo, google search, camera, maps, etc. it was awesome. Not to mention app actions as you call them, should be standard on many basic apps. "message X