
See, that's the point of what I was saying: No, I'm NOT claiming the camera is better, because I HAVEN'T USED IT YET. And you "sir" are the idiot, for making an argument out of something that none of us has used yet (the iphone, or the 920.)

One of the issues with FlashForward was that they essentially blew their load with the first episode. They showed all the exciting destruction in one episode. Then it was a lot of drawn out plotting.

fair enough, though the intent of the iphone screen was specifically just to make it longer. Since it didn't get any wider, the icons wouldn't scale, since there's still only room in a single row for 4 icons.

It's not necessarily about size, it's probably largely about price point.

To each their own, just because it doesn't fit what *you* want, doesn't mean there isn't a market for it. Look at the kindle fire and the google nexus - both are selling well.

Why would they keep the icons the same size at the ipad? The screen is a different size, wouldn't you want the icons to scale accordingly? When they launch an ipad app, it'll be scaled for the mini screen.

That would be so awesome if they named the mini the 'iPad Newton.'

Reading the comments below, based on the number of different, and really terrible, suggestions for how to do a JL movie - I can see how WB is having so much trouble getting this thing off the ground.

"Disbelief is still a form of belief. You're choosing not to believe in something, which in itself is a belief."

Uh... you really can't tell me what I believe (or don't). To state unequivicolly that YOU KNOW what someone else believes is the hight of arrogance. (Up there with telling somone what they *should* believe.)

Conversation I've had in the past:

"So what hipster superhero makeovers did we miss here?"

It takes a specific amount of energy to raise a volume of water to a certain temperature. However that energy is conveyed into the water doesn't matter, so no - it's not a way to boil water faster. Just differently.

I dunno, they've done that in the past, like not putting Siri on the 4 or the ipad 2 (or 3). They need a feature that helps the phone stand out.

I thought I read that it will be in the new Touch, so it's an iOS feature. Doubt it'll be included in older phones though, seeing as how it's about the only new piece of functionality - so they'll want to keep it exclusive to the newest device.

I'm buying the 5, and agree that apple is held to some otherworldly standard to create a miracle every year. But by the same token, I was hoping for something 'wow' today that I wasn't expecting. Maybe NFC, maybe wireless charging, maybe include bluetooth headphones and shock everyone? Some software feature for iTV

If all you see are those 3 features, then you're a pretty poor shopper.

I could say the same thing about knee-jerk haters. WTF do you care if someone else likes this? In what way at all does it impact your life if someone else wants this product? None. So just move on, be happy, and don't raise yourself up by putting someone else down.

The character looks good, but the voice doesn't fit the character.

Seriously, who are you trying to impress by tipping $5. The pay-to-play girls, or your friends?