
My first reaction is that it's really plain and dull. But after considering it for a bit, I realize it's a play on the tiles from Windows 8 and their mobile platform, so the logo takes on the look/feel of the software, which is a little clever. But I think the software has to catch on a little more before the public

CK asked a question, the guy said "I don't know." At that point, the exchange is over. But the employee says "Hey I was helping you", which was the setup for CK's retort "No you weren't."

Vin Diesel doesn't have the right build or temperament for Vision at all.

Eh, I'm from Ft. Lauderdale, but live in the North East now, so I'm familiar with the heat and humidity. August in Philly is at least pretty similar to May in Fla. If not somewhat worse.

I was thinking the same thing. Though it's basically under the umbrella of 'scams.' Which makes sense.

I just did a tri last weekend. Figure Florida in May is no different than (most anywhere) in August.

Many tri's have a relay option. If this does, maybe you can find 2 friends to do it with you for them to swim and run.

That was my first thought as well, and I barely even watched Farscape.


Re: 'Un-randian' of them to make the 2nd movie.

Not really. The book was all about doing what you want because you think it's right, and specifically NOT doing what the general masses believe you should do. (eg: the public was convinced not to buy Reardon Metal, even though it was supposed to be a superior alloy.)

Ben Affleck directs Argo. But yeah, go with the knee-jerk hater reaction, because the other movies he's directed/starred in were trash, like The Town (94% on rotten tomatoes) and Gone Baby Gone (also 94% on RT).


Also, that if you have emptiness in your life (ie, you live and empty life), a child will fill that void and give your life meaning and purpose.

Reminds me of the Goomba from the Super Mario Movie.

Maybe he wasn't, maybe Wesker was just doing "Scarface on the phone" voice?

There's a guy at the gym who has an old portable CD player clipped to his waist while he's on the elliptical machine. It's so horribly out of date, it's painful to look at.

How do you explain the popularity of bad erotic fiction?

I agree. It was one of my favorite shows, and I would have loved for it to continue on.

I never understood the appeal of Sliders. The writing, acting, storylines and effects were all beyond cheesy. It had so many plot and science holes that it made me cringe.