FB privacy question: When I comment on a friend's post or picture, it shows up in my friends' news feeds. I don't need my cousin seeing that I told some chick she looks hot in a bikini, or that I made some off color joke in a friend's status.
FB privacy question: When I comment on a friend's post or picture, it shows up in my friends' news feeds. I don't need my cousin seeing that I told some chick she looks hot in a bikini, or that I made some off color joke in a friend's status.
I <3 you, io9.
I ride a Fuji team pro road bike with profile design clip on aero-bars that is by no means a cheap bike. Neither is it a super-expensive tri bike. It's the best I can afford.
They could have gotten shimano's wireless electronic shifters.
"Often in athletic competitions an athletes biggest advantage comes from their gear."
You'd be lucky to just get a wedgie. Triathlon riding position puts a lot of pressure on your perineum (aka; your 'taint) and that soft tissue ain't meant to be sat on.
It might be a classic idea, but I'm with Sui Generis here. A guy with wings, a bird mask and a mace is not going to have mass appeal the way a martial arts vampire killer did.
I'd hit that.
Wow, the hair on the test shot is way out there. Where no man (or hairdo) has gone before.
As a back country backpacker, it might not be perfect. But for Triathlon training, it seems pretty nice. Especially the waterproof aspect.
If I was this guy (and, I'll never be that guy), I'd have this video saved to my phone and show it at bars all the time. "Hey, I jumped off a ledge 400 ft into a pile of snow, and have the video to prove it." He'd get people buying him shots of vodka for life.
If earth were a basketball, we'd have to be on the lookout for the cosmic Harlem Globetrotters.
Re: Eureka's episode description:
In the introduction the guy is firing a crossbow gattling gun. That's what I was hoping to see. This is a variation of the rubberband gun my dad made me when I was 7. It's neat and all, but the clothespins and 'cluge' look of it really detract. Good on this guy for having a whole channel about slingshots, but my…
Smaller marvel properties like Ghost Rider, Blade and DareDevil have done well in February. I see Ant Man and Black Panther fitting in a winter release better than trying to compete with summer blockbusters.
"Postulate wildly in the comments."