A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

I feel way too white to watch this show. Not because I wouldn't like it, but because I'm literally too white. It's a weird guilt thing, like "this is not meant for me."

The Nightmare Before Christmas. Now that's overrated. 

“And honestly, could Bryce Dallas Howard stand to lose a few ell bees? Sure."

Well they don't call it "gym-nice-stics."


Maybe the next host will be good. Could be like a Star Trek movie thing--odds suck, evens rule. 



Ever get the feeling Marvel/Feige has no clue how this so-called Multiverse saga is going to proceed, let alone end?

“unfunny Nickelodeon sitcom”

You have to say it three times. 

So the cultural conservative crowd basically says: when there are gay characters in remakes who were straight in the original, that’s bad. Gay people should make their own characters, and new stories. And then everyone should...review bomb those new stories?

I give this a 9/10.

Ironic that Bill Nye is on the special, as he is a notorious asshole when not in character. I've heard some horror stories about him. 

...an exercise in self-flagellation."

I can’t believe they casted Zac Efron when this guy exists.

Then the original statement stands. 

Yeah, the way things were going...I didn't know. 

Also, RIP Coolio, huh? 

Right? Riker was such a dick, not to mention completely insubordinate. I mean, Picard could run the ship any way he wanted, but Jellico was the captain for that particular assignment. Riker needed to support his captain and shut his sexy face.