A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Definitely not the ending anyone was hoping for. I hope her family can find some peace in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Such a shame. 

Yeah. Jesus, that poor kid. Tragic. 

Ughh. That’s too bad. The family will have closure, but there’s no good in this. It’s just a terrible thing. 

Why don’t they just call themselves the Washington PC GONE AMOK amirite?!?!?!

Great googly...moogly

But that's funny. Always. 

You’re never going to convince DSC and PIC fans that the two shows are trash. Like many Trek shows before them, they inspire an insane amount of loyalty despite clearly not being the far superior Deep Space Nine. 

“anything but”

Listen, you’re a fun guy. We want you around. But please don’t mention Chuckles ever, ever again. It's not ok. 

Ugh, losing a kid and a wife (or a sibling and a mother)? Can't even imagine. 

Paging Dr. Freud.


Wow, if they were looking to take a massive shit on the idea behind TNG's excellent "Lower Decks," they...certainly did! 


Look at the Discovery fan over here! 


This is the AV Club. Seth MacFarlane is the Devil. Now report to Room 101 for...a little chat. 

If they change their name, they have to vacate any Super Bowl titles and give them to the runners-up. Those are the rules. I don’t make them. Okay, in this case I did, but still.

Did Gomez originally write that or are you just being a douchebag?