A Post-Kinjapocalyptic Wasteland

Darmok and Jalad. At Tanagra. 

Well, unless they have money. 

They could have at least put Nancy's birth and death dates on her tombstone. Maybe a nice epitaph, too.

Thoughtcrime is forbidden. 

Perhaps you should worry less about some purveyor of entertainment and more about deploying the orbital weapon platforms in the Chin’toka system. 

I'm non-canon. 

There’s something...different about you today, Damar, I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s almost as if you’re only..half-dressed...

I once ordered that the civilian population of Cardassia be ruthlessly slaughtered by the Jem’Hadar. But I’m quite sure others here have accomplished great things as well! 

Ah, Rappin' Jake Sisko! I was quite fond of his lyrical creations. I'm no expert, of course, but I've been told he was most certainly not a sucka MC, by any means. 

Polite Die Hard sounds awesome.

The New Adventures of Old Christine was a legitimately great show. 

The only fair solution is to split Hank Azaria in half and give one portion to the Indians, and the other to the whites. 

I'm afraid the Dominion takes a dim view of piracy, no matter how noble the motive. 

People, particularly politicians, lie. Doesn’t mean she’s lying now.

Do we believe her because women have been historically (and currently) disbelieved when it comes to bad interactions with men? Or do we believe Sanders because he’s on record as supporting women in politics? It’s honestly tough, because either way you choose has an equal chance of being wrong.

Yeah. Bernie may have said exactly what Liz said he did. Maybe he was being sexist. Maybe she’s lying to gain a political advantage. Who cares? We’re never going to know for sure—and we have bigger fish to fry, honestly. Now just isn’t the time for progressive soul searching and purity tests. Support whichever

Sounds like much apu about nothing, know what I mean? 

You’re making a lot of assumptions based on your own personal biases. I wonder how that’s any different than assuming Warren is lying because her campaign is faltering or because of the whole Native American thing? Of course Sanders’ supporters are going to believe him. That doesn’t necessarily make them sexist any

Accccctually, Charles I was the one who lost his head during the Civil War. Charles II was the monarch after the Restoration. He did die in agony, however, for what it's worth. 

Things from 1989 that have aged well: