Just because the Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz was dismissed this week. Seriously.
Just because the Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz was dismissed this week. Seriously.
You *rock*.
It's the Spanish Seat factory producing for Volkswagen...
I cringe upon hearing "Ketter-hamm".
Nissan "Thing".
If you still have one, it's like... HORRCH!
Haha, that's an awesome help for pronounciation!
I think the silver windshield frame makes it look a bit like an Audi convertible...
Yeah, unfortunately the mechanics can't stand up to it.
Lastkraftwagen, Universalmotorgerät (Unimog).
There are two dots on the e like ë, so it's separated into three syllables: Ci-tro-ën.
All awesome
That's okay, better have a guardrail to repair than some meat-filled cars wrapped around your trees.
They put their votes on what they wanted: a big, confident company embarrassed like nothing else.
It is bleeding.
I'd like to have a car with a low ratio then. Let every part be oversized for the power output... Better than a small engine blown up to twice the power it can handle safely.
At least it is a photo and not entirely CGI.
And that's a really good thing!
There is a speed limit, I suppose. Oh sh-