
@Tyson: what tires the ssc uses??

and yeah first time i saw first and last position the same system :):)

the psp go isnt even sold in many european countries(without a store...)

the sales chart missed a few months but the gap of xbox ps3 is less then a year of sales even when the xbox came in a year first and still has the cheapest price...

we want new video!!!

@slingblade123: still ppl like you read it and comment on good english...

@Skychrono: 4% less sales when your system strarts at 199 with games?

Fact: The Xbox 360 slips to third place.

@christill: lol the xbox has a 199 arcade model and still canr outsell the ps3 in its home turf and its bad?japan and eu its worse for xbox and they are 100 cheaper and came a year before having a biger install base and way way more advertisment...

its ok...

@Madeira: boring commenter with 5 replies and promoted comment?

pictured:example of xbox live user

looking for summer more and more...

keep it simple for america-simple

evidence (if he says the truth)

@Golgari: Greenberg is that you?

so there...