Dr. Programmer, Esquire

I love the projection suggesting that people come to progessive thoughts because they aren’t enjoying life and sex when the Conservative party is the one doing most of the work trying to regulate what people can do with their own bodies and their life.

I feel like more than 15% of the player base are programers though. I knew a fair number of Dwarf Fortress players from my Comp Sci degree programs a few years back.

Tying our solar system? #PlutoDidNothingWrong

Am I missing something, or is the PC version not discounted? Why wouldn’t they put up the discount for all systems?

Am I missing something, or is the PC version not discounted? Why wouldn’t they put up the discount for all systems?

Whenever I hear/see someone saying the “I have a x friend”, I mentally replace it with “I normally can’t stand x, but I’ve found at least one I can tolerate!”.

I’m filing this under “A broken clock is right twice a day”. We really do need to think about expanding into the stars, if only for the scientific discovery that comes with it.

You can buy butnot equip from what I’ve hearing on the subreddit

Whelp, he’s hoping the extra month with improve Far Cry 5, I’ve been looking forward to it.

Shotguns and Fusion Rifles are your best friend I’ve found. Esp. Hawthorne’s Field Shotgun. 3-4 rounds on near auto will melt bathers.

Huh, I’ve have the opposite experience with the Destiny LFG subreddit. After the first week of release, I’ve never had a group have to attempt a room more than 4 times unless we’re trying a challenge mode.

Nope, energy slot like Coldheart.

Its just Ikora and Osiris’s Ghost talking throughout most of it. The Ghost is a fun character at least.

But the only people affected by the Hurricanes are those who didn’t have the common sense to leave the area when the hurricane came! (And the poor, the disabled, the elderly, basically anyone who wasn’t rich.......) /s

Plain Cheese Pizza is the “I don’t want to offend anyone, so he’s a generic vaguely acceptable statement” of pizza. I’ll take it over the real offensive stuff, but I won’t be happy.

That sounds more like a great recipe for a pasta dish than a pizza.......

Chicago pizza is more pie than pizza

Hawaiian pizza (Pineapple and Ham) is my third favorite type of pizza. I don’t understand how people can hate on it.

Do you remember the year of Towers that randomly showed up in every open world game (and just never went away)?

I thought the future was battleground grounds like PUBG?

Gorram it Floridaman! Stay in Florida! They’re used to your horribly stupid actions!