Dark Arisen seems to be going that direction already. Deep Down is almost committing wholesale. I'd hate to see something that's halfway interesting be lost in an attempt for a "me-too" game.
Dark Arisen seems to be going that direction already. Deep Down is almost committing wholesale. I'd hate to see something that's halfway interesting be lost in an attempt for a "me-too" game.
You know, someone rear-ending me at that speed is bad enough. But if I (somehow, magically) knew this happened this douchecanoe was speeding from the cops in the middle of the day, you bet your ass I'd step out and rage on the guy.
If I were one of the cops, I'd somehow be delayed in getting out of my vehicle just so…
If I want Dark Souls, I'll go play it. If there's a continuum of games that involve dungeon-crawls, where Dark Souls or Diablo are a 10, I want something like a 6-7. I don't mind dungeon-crawls. I just don't want to spend 80% of my play time on it.
Dragon's Dogma was a nice blend of role play, overworld exploration,…
Yeah, some white folks get all mad about this sort of thing. Same with the hard-dick patriotic types, too. I want to say, "Look, our history - history that you and I share, and I'm an immigrant, it has the slavery of millions of Africans on it. It has the forced displacement of millions of Native Americans on it. As a…
Yeah, in that context, it's wrong. It's breach of trust, and likely, breach of business contract along the way.
But the tendency for some people's minds to work in a given way, no that's not wrong. But when it goes awry, and it's left unchecked, then we have all sorts of problems. Molyneux's done a handful of great…
Look, I just don't want to deal with a retelling of Parker's origin story in cinematic form. The Sony-only movies kind of ruined it for me. So yeah, kill Parker or make him really old or whatever, I just don't really care for Parker and his love triangles. I don't care if MCU's Spidey is white, black, man, woman, or a…
This was a great scene, both the fight with the henchmen and the capstone knife fight. What I liked about the knife fight, aside from how brutal it was, was that it didn't come with music. So during the whole course of this very frightening scene (of anything, I'd hate to be in a knife fight), it's just the sound of…
That's why I'm really happy I have project management people at work. Artists and designers have a thing for getting tunnel-visioned on their work, so they'll lose track of other priorities while trying to perfect something else. A good team helps prioritize tasks. Seems like Molyneux could use some of that, or a…
That's me in a nutshell. Luckily, my day job is as a designer, so structure and deadlines are something I've (sort of) integrated into the art that I do at home.
I know some people that remind me of Molyneux - they have these great ideas, and in many cases, know the steps to turn them into actual production. The problem is that they're often jumping from one thing to the next, so focus is their weakness. It's not wrong, or awful, it's just how some folks are.
I think Molyneux is one of those people that's great at ideas but terrible at execution. That's not a terrible thing, but it can be when there's no one capable in place to help manage that space between concept and completion.
Neither do I. When someone wants to open a privately owned sports stadium with public funds, what they're really trying to do is shield themselves from as much financial liability as possible should that sports team fail to draw in fans or fail to be a success during their playing season.
Basically, the pro sports…
When I read things like this, I often wonder if the person that says them has any idea of how awful rape is, or would be able to understand that rape is bad unless someone jams a dick up their ass after beating them with a table leg.
Oh man, I remember that thing. That and the TurboGrafx16, both of which were pretty horrible failures of consoles. Both played up graphical power, sort of delivered, but the game support wasn't really there.
I'm 32. So unless you can come at me with owning a Colecovision in its first days, you'd better step back with that "dear child" nonsense.
That is pretty obnoxious. It's funny, in games where they hammer you with DLC notifications, I rarely make purchases. But in other games, like when I got Mass Effect 3 (in the trilogy pack), I bought all of the narrative DLC packs. Not because they were advertised in the game, but because I got recommendations from…
Stop reminding me of inflation. I don't like knowing that the $40k a year I earn now isn't worth the same amount my parents earned when they were only making $40k a year.
Games cost less? For whom? The developer/publisher or the end consumer? A new game is roughly the same price it was 15-20 years ago, which is about $50-$60 brand new.
Are you serious? That's really, really awful.
In other games, you get a reminder, maybe, about DLC. Or in some, it's buried in a menu. But that's pretty awful right there.
Most of the fancy new features didn't seem to be features that require a lot of hardware. Most of the features cut seem like mostly triggered/radiant events, with maybe some AI alteration.