
I'm all for people continuing to do things like this.

Please, politicians, do continue to post racist things if you are in fact racist. It helps defeat the next line you would probably say in office, which is likely, "racism doesn't exist."

NO NEVER, despite having 100lbs of dog at home. :P

I really am, to be honest. Part of me always cringes or puckers a bit when I read about control of word usage when it comes to social justice causes. It's not that I don't believe in the cause, I do, but it becomes a situation where we're chasing a ghost.

As far as sentence structure and syntax, "male" or "female" is often easier/faster to use. A sentence that talks about gender-separated bathrooms or health statistics for example:

"50% of the female employees at X firm have LDL cholesterol of Y"

It's typically an official/military context when I hear male/female in use.

I have all of 4 coffee shots on my entire IG feed. I think my dog and cats show more than coffee. :P

I have the same line of thinking. When I use "female" or "male" it's usually in one of three contexts:

1.) Discussing uniforms.
2.) Discussing gender of servicemember.
3.) Discussing mechanical connectors.

What I find interesting is that the word "female" is under attack when it's really about the context of the word and

Ugh, taking agency and accountability away from the criminal. Lovely.

Wait, maybe she's right.

Rape is a two-party thing. One person has to take the active role - committing rape - for rape to happen. No one forces someone to rape someone else (unless it's a real jacked situation). I, as a guy, can see a drunk woman at a party and choose to assault and rape her, walk away, or try to get

I'm generally not a fan of FTP games on any platform. I'm worried that companies are going to shift to FTP titles and that likely means getting away from games that find their strength in narrative and immersion. I simply can't find that in FTP or MMO titles. Hell, I really enjoy Ace Combat Infinity, but it still

This is just reflecting issues in Sega's highest brass positions.

They have some great IPs but they can't manage them worth a damn and it's sad. Great work held up by shite management, and then that management is surprised their work isn't well received or received at all. Ugh.

Maybe Sega needs to let its various key

It's as if Molly White doesn't understand two key things:
1.) Most terrorism that has taken place in the U.S. has been by Christian, American citizens.

Yup, that's why a bartender will say something like, "you should stop while you're ahead" or something that's butter-and-cream for, "if I serve your drunk ass more booze, I'm fucking going to jail, so go the fuck home."

But. Let me tell you that from limited experience, nothing is more frightening than going up against a newbie.

If she's really drunk, just don't.

Honest truth, something about her presentation bothers me. Kinda like that one teacher or prof that you have trouble paying attention to even if the material is awesome.

But yeah, this is totally goddamned uncalled for. Fools acting up like their whole way of life is at risk when really, the risks are like this:

I remember being a high school kid in my economics class and drawing that conclusion, saying that investors are often scaredy-cats. I was being facetious at the time, mainly because I saw that many market crashes often came as a result of people seeing a downswing and then bailing out.

I got a nice laugh when I saw

It's basically offsetting for stupid, emotional behavior. I can't remember where I saw it, but behaviorists came to the conclusion that although people want to think of economics as a logical concern, actions to it are often take emotionally.

Yeah, pretty much. It's a cool idea - everyone plays fair, everyone makes money they earned, and the businesses succeed or fail on their own. But the thing is, people are greedy as fuck, and if they can find a way to cheat the system, they'll do it, and fuck short or long term consequences.

You can take a look at any

When I was in college, they had the same reputation, and we didn't even have a chapter where I went. All the other fraternities on campus were glad they weren't here.