I really love the PS3 XMB. It's easy to figure out where things are and it's generally fast enough at accessing things in the various categories. It does bog down a bit when reading a large number of files or when doing trophy sync.
I really love the PS3 XMB. It's easy to figure out where things are and it's generally fast enough at accessing things in the various categories. It does bog down a bit when reading a large number of files or when doing trophy sync.
The Blades took up something like 1/3 of the screen for information that would've been better handled in a series of tabs at the top/bottom or one side of the screen. Even if the blades weren't 2000s-styled, that's a lot of space to dedicate to what amounts to tabs in a book.
I did, however, like how fast it operated -…
Yeah, the old Xbox UI was chock full of angsty try-hard whereas the PS2 was no-nonsense and the Gamecube UI was pleasant and practical.
The Metro UI looks great. The problem is that MS has decided to clutter it with a bunch of crap you don't want to see (ads) and you can't really customize it. There's also the way things are organized in it, which really could use a lot of work. Getting to settings or different functions in the XboxOne Metro takes too…
Ideally, the UI would be fast and nice to look at/easy to view. The speed of the UI is probably more up to whomever handles memory management in the OS and probably less about the guy who decides where things go in the UI.
I don't think that the US running a clean (and more importantly) effective ship on intelligence AND being mad about other countries running clean are exclusive of one another.
Actually, I can see how it all works. Things people associate with fun - classic RPG games with iconic music that's associated with travel. Tied with the "driving is fun, again" or whatever. Basically, they're changing the idea of what "fun to drive" is.
They're all about that police authoritarianism, but somehow all about small/limited government.
You should see some of the other stupid shit the GOP is trying to put into the textbooks in this state. But that's the product of a textbook council of 140 members of which only 3 teaching at the university level. A lot of the other 137 are random political types without related degrees or teaching experience.
"Why do people need white folks to tell them shit is real?"
I figure any sort of beliefs that put one law-abiding group above another are conflicts of interest as member of law enforcement. I mean, the idea is to enforce the law, which ideally, is a neutral system. Dicking with that sort of defeats the purpose.
Some of them do, sadly.
Here's the thing about #crimingwhilewhite - it completes a data set.
So to talk about this in a different frame, saying "cops treat PoCs differently" is the hypothesis. Showing a lot of data that says, "PoCs are treated like X" only invites people who would say, "Man, but white people are also treated like X,…
I think it fills in both chapters of the story. It's basically saying "Officer Smith treats black guys like this. Officer Smith also treats white guys almost entirely opposite." If this were a scientific study, it's pretty much getting data on a control group and presenting a complete data set - both for the data…
That's how I saw it.
Yeah, the program was hard as fuck. I'm still surprised I made it out, and to be honest, I figured that if I didn't make the cut, it would be for the best. Better to know I'm not cut for something when I'm 19-21 than find out when I'm 23 and can't keep a steady job in what I got a degree in.
For me, I came out of a university and the program basically culled the students that weren't strong enough through yearly reviews. Hell, you had to take a year of art classes just to be able to attempt to get in. The great news is that I was able to manage all of that and I'm doing well after college. The downside is…
Ah, then yeah. That gap isn't well covered by public community schools. I know some high schools try to get in there (my old one did) and that helps, but when someone is already out of high school or leaving military service, there's a huge gap they're at risk of falling into.
I had a roommate who was dating a recruiter from a for-profit college. They met through a mutual friend, but part of me was always worried she was just working him to get him into that school.
Mrs. Apogee has two brothers and while one is trying his hand at engineering school, the other one might just take up carpentry and construction. He's told me he feels like he's lesser than his siblings because he doesn't want to go to a full out college, just vocational school.