
You know, the funny thing about world map removal is that I felt like it took away from immersion in the games. I would understand the realism argument if someone could pilot their airship in first/third person across the various worlds, but they never did get around to that.

It is the home state of Hyles-Anderson College, after all.

IIRC, Socialism is about things being taken from you and those around you in something like equal parts, then redistributed to others on an equal basis, maybe based upon their contribution or something. I don't remember exactly.

Well, it is a one-year old stadium after all. A $60 million stadium that's being shutdown one year after completion. You gotta ask, "Where did that $60mil go? How do you botch a job like this?"

Sorry that you had to write about Plano. It's a hilarious suburb that doesn't know what the hell it's doing. From shit drivers to the people buying that prosperity-jesus-is-gonna-make-my-greedy-ass rich shit, to people preaching about how science is destroying America from their iPhones, Plano is a horrible place.

I worked for a corporate wellness company - while it was more or less cool to work with, and even if it did have its days of corporate WTF - the health mantra was always in effect.

As much as I don't like cube farms, I don't think open areas are really smart. Not for really large organizations, anyways. Cubes aren't inherently awful - it's how they're executed and how the work culture treats them and the rest of the environment.

When I freelanced for an agency right out of college, they ran me about the same way. Get the work done, show up for roughly the same core hours. I usually did 9-4 (since I was billing hourly) and they had enough work to support that.

"Great job! You didn't die while flying this MIG29 of questionable maintenance and combat readiness status! Here's this medal!"

The Genesis was the power system for at least a year or so after the SNES launch date. Not long after that, Sega's US marketing department had to reach into the 1990's BAG-O-XTREME to market the Genesis in the US.

And that's the niche where paintball and airsoft slide in. You get to shoot people, no one goes to jail.

I'll stick to airsoft, thanks. If I'm gonna be trying to hustle around to shoot people, I don't want to be tethered to a tight circle like this guy is.

Or in TLDR mode:

Actually, it's about due process. Ideally, it should screen against false accusations and screen in favor of legitimate accusations. The problem is that as it stands, with the current male-favoring system in place, legitimate accusations are often poorly handled or just tossed out altogether. Until that system is

They are rare - something between 2-9% of cases are false accusations. That's still damage to innocent people.

You should look at cases of false accusation.

No, no, no, no.

Now playing

I'll talk to my realtor and then pay a visit.

And in the process, risk losing the people who would actually anchor the movie's revenue.

Can I say the Yakuza titles had some good quests? Because really, they did. Not to say there weren't "collect X of Y" but those were really more accomplishment bonus things, and not actual quests.