
"I don't want to make a political statement about my moral failing according to my own standards, even if I've made my own supposed morals very political and compared other people to them. I also don't want my kids to be made part of something political even if I've been parading them the fuck around as if having kids

But hey, we get more SANIC!

I think the major complaint for FF13 was just how linear it was and how much it was obvious about it. It was like, Modern Warfare: Final Fantasy.

I also figure it shouldn't be all that hard to take in some market research. And not just numerical shite that some overpaid analyst will spout - because that will likely be retail numbers, and those retail numbers are misleading. I've always figured that reading the success of a game via retail numbers when the game

People still do this? I thought that went the way of Saved by the Bell, Zazzle Pants and that one hairstyle where a woman would flat iron the first row of her bangs straight vertical while gelling all of her hair back, and then drawing on extensions to her eyebrows?

I think the issue isn't that the spell has to be equipped, it's that it takes two actions to have the spell readied, charged, and cast. That is to say - pressing a button to select it and equip it, then another press to charge and cast it.

"...that they're just afraid to vote their conscience."

The excuse of "in the old days, we did stupid shit" is a horrible excuse. I guess he's gotta cling to whatever he can since his old world is slipping away from him.

I hope you're right. I'm not a father just yet, but I do know that a strong bond is a huge factor in both continuing child/parent bonds, the child's discipline levels over time, and ultimately, in the child's success as an adult and a family member.

Why would I take paternity leave?

Not all of them are.

I thought the Skyrim UI was leaps and bounds better than Oblivion's. It's cleaner - let's start there. Rather than following the pattern of many other fantasy games where the UI has to be scrolls and parchment, Bethesda knocked it down to a really easy to read, simplified style that also uses a basic Nordic element in

Equipping spells in Skyrim" because really, that's what you did in Oblivion, too. It was just a matter of interface at that time.

Why aren't they splitting atoms? Well, they will once the paycheck from their restaurant job comes in and they get their bills paid. Didn't you work a bit in college?

Man, and I thought Yakuza fans had it bad.

It looks like a bad Ford Focus ripoff. Which would be okay if the Ford Focus were a pricier car and more importantly, if this wasn't a photo of a Chevy.

That's about how it usually goes.

My closest friend had a similar issue he's just getting past recently. For him, it wasn't relationships in anime, it was a mix of whatever TV shows he'd watch, limited interaction with women, a bit more porn than he needed, and a dad who wasn't that big about treating women properly.

I feel bad for your friend. Maybe this whole thing was related to media he consumed at the time, maybe that helped to frame his perception of this woman and his relationship to her. Media or not, he still built his own prison and it'll be up to him break out.

That's cool. I dig that.