
Yup, I know that from having met them firsthand. The funny part about being from a fundie Christian family is that you really see a lot of the things they'd want to hide from the public.

Some missionaries are humanitarians first and then push on the side. That's respectable, and I've seen them. They're genuine people.


I don't believe that "spreading God's word" involves "forcing it on them." Last I checked, the whole faith-by-the-sword thing went the way of the Old Testament, which is basically, just for historical reference.

Anything actionable is pretty much NT and like, 10 Commandments only.

Until they have to be held accountable as such. Sadly.

How about this?

The family gets his retirement and dependent benefits. He gets his ass sent to jail. Problem solved, and now cases like this have legal precedence.

That's probably for the best. When she's unable to understand that "I don't get paid when I don't work," she has a lot of fundamental stuff to learn about life. That said, she probably does need to look into the details of her contract.

I'll also say I understand the place of "oh shit, I'm really broke, what will I do

Can we just do this for Christians as a whole and not just limit it to shitty tippers?

Last I checked, no straight folks have been violently beaten or harassed by any members of the LGTBQ community. But hey, the fact that the playing field may be leveling out a bit has never stopped the primarily advantaged group from crying foul.

"Their uniforms look like Girl Scout uniforms, complete with sashes, except they're red, white and blue. "

Sounds like the Hyles-Anderson College/Jack Hyles scandal. Big church org, abuses, and some effed up morals under the guise of religion.

Depends on history, influences while growing up, and the availability of other ethnic groups, really.

She might be fetishizing white folks (hawkward if so), or it may just be a matter of any of the above.

They're ignoring the pollution in the air, the recent financial crash, corporate lobbyist-controlled government, and economic factors when applied to social factors and thing gay people are the doom of the generation?

Yeah, leave 'em out there to rot.

I can see how that happens.

I left my organized group because it was rife with corruption, illegal acts, and things no Christian should be doing. The anti-gay rhetoric was just an extra nail to go in the coffin of my practicing organized religion.

I was always amused that "hot and ready" was the only good thing Little Caesar's could come up with to push their pizza.

It's hard for me to buy the morality argument. Any political party that's claiming moral supremacy had better be squeaky clean and all be candidates for sainthood. Anything else screams of hypocrisy to me.


"Our rights are being whittled away in favor of gay rights."

Okay, I'm a male, of Christian background and let's see where my rights are trampled on by the gay people I know.

Sometimes they get the bags of chocolate almonds at Natural Grocers, but that's only because they get there earlier than I do. That's really not

The series has always been worth selling in the West. It just has to be marketed on its best points:

Really, really great brawling mechanics in an open world context. There's really only one other game that's done that, Sleeping Dogs. That was pretty successful, and while good, wasn't as good as the Yakuza game it

They're not doing it at all and never really have. I think I saw ads for the 1st Yakuza title and that was it. After that, nothing until Kotaku and a few other great outlets covered Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4.


The Yakuza titles were marketed horribly, if at all. Sonic's riding the coattails of numerous (horrible sequels) and the remaining but yet fading glow of the 1990s.

Yeah, too bad this and Y5 won't ever make it stateside. I mean, no reason why two games packed with hours upon hours great brawling gameplay, minigames, side-missions, RPG elements, and pretty decent narrative should ever make it to the US when we can get Sanic the Hadgehawg games that no one will buy.