(edited for foolishness)
(edited for foolishness)
Yeah buddy.
Really? You don't see how a Volvo could be considered durable?
Can it be divided by two? If not, it is odd. Can it be divided by any number? If not, it doesn't count.
Bang bang boost boost.
My next car shall be named 'Lancha go-fast'.
Yeah, It looks like it was much better in the 50's.
I have done that exact thing, on Roosevelt blvd no less. And while scary, I can say that my drawers survived unsoiled. (at least no more than usual) It's fun when you don't die.
I bought my '88 Volvo 244 for $200 USD and drove it for three years before scrapping it for $350 USD. Great coincidence.
Got my 1994 Hyundai Excel for $50 bucks, same as my 1984 Toyota Tercel. Tercel needed a power steering pump, but ran fine. Hyundai needed a distributor cap to stop it mis firing.
We all win. One less chattering disease bag to flap around.
72 Roadrunner? Really?
Alley-oop to dunk. Flushed it. Nicely done.
Hopefully Toyota keeps up the fine tradition of bringing their racing technology to the street.
Isn't that a nod to the Volvo 240 then?