
I don't have those problems in PC online gaming (unless you're playing wow (which I won't.)) I also won't even look at a game unless it has online play. I hear a lot of bad things about console gaming but I wouldn't play on a console anyway, limited controllability, lack of options, expensive accessories, have to pay

@dtownkid21: It's a cool photo but I don't see how the type of film used is relevant?

atheism by definition is the belief that there is no god.

atheism by definition is the belief that there is no god.

Everyone has an undying faith in something, religion, science, self, etc. The reality is we really don't know. We don't know that there is no god, we really can't even define 'god'. We don't know for fact that there was a big bang, or that we're not all just dreaming, or whatever. The point is that there is no more

Your argument is semantics. Plus people "KNOW" that sticking needles in you can fix problems. People used to "KNOW" that you could irradiate water and be healthier. Sciences Knows there was a big bang. Something will know in the futures something else.

I specifically said I wasn't sure so lighten up. Besides 10% or not it's still about the money

Can you prove there is no god? Or do you just have faith in science?

religion does change all the time, where do you think the New Testament came from. The old rules got ridiculous and they needed more followers so we get a profit that makes everyone feel better about who they are and joining. No more are you responsible for your sins because Jesus died for you. You don't have to

No that use a much more powerful method, persuasion, manipulation, and guilt.

No where in the bible does it say 10% that I've ever read and I've read the whole bible. I could be wrong but if you could tell me where I'd be happy to agree. As far as I've read it says donate based on wealth (thats paraphrasing of course.)

By telling everyone that you are the right one and you should choose or worship no other, you are essentially saying that everyone else is wrong. ("you" being whatever religion)

I specifically said in a response that headphone jacks are the only thing they did keep standard.

Though i believe Twitter has some uses, but for the most part social networking is just narcissism at it's finest. It's all about "look what I did" or "see how things I do make me special", after that you wait for your approval or empathy so you can get your small dopamine response and feel better about being you.

atheism is basically just another religion. They believe in science is the right belief but often science isn't correct either. Science in it's current form is based on trying to figure out what is going on in this world/universe with the best information we have available. All religions started out that way.

One of the main problems is that parents like to think that food is a reward for good. Food of any kind should never be a reward for anything. As we get old those habits turn in to eating disorders and obesity. Having lost 110 lbs. myself and having helps many others I can tell you that everyone I've ever helped at

No more crazy or extortionist than any other religion. Even in Christianity they make sure to pass the offering plate around while it's relatively quiet and the lights are usually turned up so everyone can see, that way it increases social pressure to put something in. There are at least 5 different places in the

"You shall have no other gods before me" the first commandment.

Yeah it fits, if you can buy any usb plug to charge your devise, how does apple make money?

Thats the only thing they have kept standard because no one would buy them if you always had to have special headphones. Main reason is people have very different audio needs, audiophiles, audio books, podcasts, etc. if people were limited to just their brand of headphones Apple mp3 players would never have gotten so