
I will start out by saying it's amazing to get shot in the head and not die! I can also understand that he's lucky it stopped there.

I just don't like the idea of CDMA. Other than that if Verizon can provide a better service more power to them.

@Cromwell: Yeah socialized medicine sucks. Here you have to wait 6 mo. to 2 years for things like MRI's, and non-emergency surgeries. A guy I work with had 2 heart attacks waiting for a bypass surgery. But it's easy enough for me to go across the boarder and get what I need since I have American insurance. People

@SageofMusic: well it's not like this is the first time freedoms have been lost.

@icfan: I didn't run, I just got a good job. I'm just happy not to be there now.

I'm glad I moved out of the US when I did, it's sad to imagine that even Canada actually has more liberty then the US.

Get rid of all the other people.

@earle117: I'm not suggesting you use 40 grit sand paper, I just don't think a coffee filter is going to scratch it.

@earle117: I don't find mine to be fragile at all. I've never scratched it and if something is on my screen I've never scratched it off with my fingernail with never a worry. I think maybe people are just neurotic.

@BlueLightBandit: It doesn't work like that when I do it. If I plug mine in it copies new apps off the device onto the pc.

@dimscene: instead of being nice and helping, people like to poke fun but I think what you meant is ... Aspiring.

@Roddy: Well go find the natural alternatives that work, get rich, and show us all how it's do. You can talk about the solution or be the solution. That guy made PG5, what did you do?

People being late consistently is a power struggle. Essentially they think that their time is more important your your time so they will show up at the very last second all the time and be late on a regular basis.

@BishopBlaize: I tend to like both but I find that a book has to be exceptional for me to want to sit and read it.

I think people should focus on Reading and being less Fat!

@Zgembo: You notice the girl hands but not the nice side boob?

@BlueLightBandit: I'm no expert but I would think it would be saved in your iTunes apps list the first time you sync your phone after downloading vlc. Assuming that is true you should be able to upgrade IOS and then replace the apps. Maybe check your app list in ITunes.

The BEST way to speed up an old computer of any kind is to do a COMPLETE format and reinstall windows with the minimum features.