
I’ll sound like a broken record to anyone that’s seen my name on articles about cable before, but...

I have to believe they have a service life. Metal fatigue is a fact of life.

It's really not nitpicking. Take a motorcycle up the 101 into San Francisco sometime for some first-hand perspective. You'll quickly notice that all the drivers who look like they're drunk (usually it's a mix of irrational speed variance and lateral randomness), are all holding their damn phones. Every, single, one.

These policies are horrible, anti-consumer, and full of abuse potential for ISPs lacking a certain moral compass (Comcast I'm looking at you). That said, I believe the original intent behind these policies was to prevent a commercial entity, w/ commercial load, from using what's intended to be a home use connection.

That would clearly not be for personal use, however there are tons of reasons you might want a server for legitimate personal use. If they want verbage in the contract to allow them to go after abusers, by all means do so, but don't make a global ban on such a thing.

I run my own homebrew DVR. I travel a lot for work. Are you saying I should not be able to stream my recorded content from my home to my hotel room, but should instead have to lease terabytes of storage on a server farm to mirror that content? That just fucking retarded. What if I want to dial into my home

Yet another reason for me to love Sweden even more :3

Living in Sweden, this made me curious about what my ISP said about this issue, so the following quote is from the Terms and Conditions of the Swedish ISP Telia.

Um, don't let your browser save your passwords then? If the password is stored then the password is stored. Of course it can be retrieved because that's why you stored it.

When I worked in retail, I would not interact with people on their phones. If I was helping someone out (a favor, I was not employed to be on the floor), and they answered their phone and said ANYTHING other than "can I call you right back", I would walk away. Not a rude response to anyone but the most ridiculous,