
We need to take a good hard look at the Black political class and to how little they’re actually serving us.”

Riddle me this then; why do you dindoos WORSHIP this dindoox???


Dindoo family values as usual.

he fathered a child while the two were “on a break.””

Dindoos doing dindoo shit.

The root supports segregation. Btw all of these cities that the dindoo is complaining, dey gentrifying us, about were originally white. Dindoo criminality chased away the original inhabitants; thanks to the great migration it was the dindoo who were the settlers.

This is the root where the false narrative reigns supreme.

Please keep Zaya away from Malik Yorba!

Another shoddy mea culpa from the root.

“because white people often smell like bologna”

Showing too much cleavage for my tastes. 

Naw bru, you don’t get to cape for your fellow travelers; do you think the readers here at the root are that dense? Wait, what...

The root only stans for LGBTVQ AND women, why do they hate straight black men so much?


Skittles and the drink he was buying are popular ingredients in a dindoo drink called lean. When they drink it they can’t control they selves and they start wilding. Zimmerman saved us all from a future thug!

I think this person will make a better Mike Obama:

The dindoo is perpetually aggrieved.
