
The hate is strong from the low level wanna be famous but middle school caliber writers that the root employs. Just make certain that your check clears Dara.

Jibba jabba.

she said CAIR had been founded “after 9/11"

Love seeing stuff like this!!!

Drug deal gone bad, wait for the update.

Slow day at the root?


Buh by


Still sitting back eating popcorn!

South Africa, Zimbabwe, one prosperous lands became shithole nations when the blacks took over.

Why are YOU still around loser?

If someone I might be doing business with...”

who tweeted that he wished a ni... , er, Messing would list him.”

Whats this, the tranny doesn’t get a pass?

I see the usual “outraged” Negros venting but when crime hits closer to home...crickets.

Waiting for the inevitable calls of he dindoo nuffin!

Life in Negroville...

Negros don’t care about black on black murders.

You people are perpetually butt hurt aren’t you? Work on your real problems.