“Will Putting an Onion in the Freezer Keep You From Crying?”
“Will Putting an Onion in the Freezer Keep You From Crying?”
Oh wow, poor of you, suffering so much because Covid left you with a bad case of boredom. Let us all conduct a candlelight vigil to remember your martyrdom. My god, I have heard of first world problem idiots before, but, man, oh, man, have you just risen to take the crown of their nation today!
In all honesty, we all are hypocrites. We use cell phones, clothes and eat food made by people who work in dire working conditions, We eat food made of species that are bred in horrible conditions. So yup, we are all hypocrites to a smaller or greater degree, whether we accept it or not. I include myself in the ranks…
A: Whenever you feel like it.
This is good advice, indeed. I know it for it happened to me. When our daughter was 2 months old, we flew to Mexico City to spend some time with my family. On the way back, when we went through immigration at the airport, the officer looked at us, then looked at our passports, then looked at us again, then frowned and…
Good to hear this. I am actually Mexican with dual Mexico/US nationality and married to a Taiwanese woman that also has dual Taiwanese/US nationality and working+living in the US. We both have thought of retiring to Mexico when it is time to for us to retire, and hearing that your experience with immigrating to my…
Couldn’t agree more. I was thinking the same thing in here. Lifehacker, honestly, do you REALLY think 2020 is a year in which to have EVIL WEEK? Its not like people are not on edge on multiple fronts already. Do you really want to drive people to even more stressful places? SERIOUSLY? As much as I enjoy it, I would…
Even if you are planning to drive at left lane speeds, do be considerate of the fact that your gigantic van blocks the complete view of smaller vehicles and that at higher speeds this can be potentially deadly. Moving to slower moving lanes reduces this risk.
Maybe we should start providing this recommendation to the lunatics refusing to use mask because the “government is trying to control them by mandating the use of masks by telling them something on the order of:
Another recommendation is to not go the speaker route if you feel that you might bother your neighbors with noise from your movie sessions. You can use an FM transmitter connected to your projector’s speaker output and us cheap radios to receive the movie’s sound connected to headphones on your movie watchers (Doing…
While I appreciate this, you have to understand that the bigger problem is not CHildren contracting Covid’19, for, as you rightfully state, the prevalence of complications on Children is rare. The problem lies with the adults that the CHildren interact with, as they do not live in bubbles and will interact with and…
Thank you very much!
No I don’t, but a. Here we are tracking only a single disease, and not 20 different types of cancers and b. The likelihood of getting cancer is quite simply lower than of getting Covid-19.
I disagree with you, katie_keys. I think that this information is very useful, as, even though the proper course of action right now is to take all necessary precautions to minimize the risk that you or your family will contract Covid-19 and that indeed, having a vaccine that is widely deployed is likely going to be…
Beth, thank you very much for sharing this. One question. Could you share the URL for the tracker from the New York Times that you are referring to? I’m not sure if I’m being too dense to see it, but it looks like it is not in the article, so I would definitively appreciate if you could share it as this is a very good…
I truly hope that when you say that
A year and a six pack?
Now, please tell me that his other two kids are Siri and Google.
“58% of dental services were paid by private health insurance, while 53% of services were paid out of pocket”? I see you guys are getting good at fuzzy math :-)
You can say that if you want, but, in the end, martinis taste so, so much better with vodka. And a LOT of brine juice.