B.A. McFisticuffs

You obviously never used the Dualshock 2 or 3. You used the Sixaxis. Which, agreed, was horrible. Light as hell, much smaller and less ergonomic. Before you keep arguing with me, just go finf yourself a Dualshock 3 and feel the weight and size difference. It fits in your hand better and has a satisfying weight to it.

and yeah yeah, sales don't equal better controllers, but come on... 360>DS3>DS2>Original Xbox. New gen is still being debated so I won't comment on that.

lol you must have never played the PS2. The Dualshock two was twice the controller the Original Xbox controller ever tried to be. That's not even worth arguing about lol. The sales numbers speak for themselves. Same for the 360 controller. Much better than the DS3 = much more sales. lol We're on the same side, just on

You laughing because we like the same controller or because you're a Keys&Mouse fanboy?

Great controller? The original Xbox controller was a great controller? The ONLY good controller to ever come out of Microsoft was the 360 controller which I still use from time to time. The Original and The One controllers are both ridiculous. How can I be a fanboy of 3rd Party contyrollers on PC? lol I could give a

It's worth it just for the multiplayer. I'm just like you. I buy my games for the Story. I've never been a big mulitplayer guy, but the thing about Battlefield is that every multiplayer game you play can be made into a story. You can alway talk about the time you jumped off the highest tower in Operation Firestorm and

Just replayed the BF4 campaign and I have to admit. I LOVE it compared to BF3...Just too short! Characters are ALL better and more likeable. Still not anywhere near as good as it SHOULD be, but it's not the nightmare that was BF3. Bf4 Multi is my fave of ANY Battlefield game. Especially now after all the updates! I

You mean Kinja-Wide? or just on Gawker?

God, you guys should try talking to the Jezebel people... It's all I could do to keep my head from exploding...

That is just a blatant LIE. I've been playing twin stick shooters since the Ps1. Ever hear of a game called Medal of Honor? I prefer sticks over a mouse and keys ANY day, and the worst part is, I'm a PC gamer! I plug in my DS4 to play games all the time now because it's what I grew up with. DUAL STICKS FTW!!! Xbox

I was actually on the fence about that one. If they didn't have the stupid sub fee, I would get it. It's just...why pay for a game you already bought? Same reason I'm not getting ESO. But, you did Pique my interest...Sounds a lot like how the characters from Sword Art Online feel! Favorite Anime Ever! (1st Season)

I totally disagree with you Doc Seuss, you sound like a troll.

YES!!!! I've been telling my friends this for YEARS and they laugh! Modern Warfare was THE BEST Modern Warfare game so far. No MW has compared to it since, and in all honesty, Advanced Warfare looks like more of the same. Here's hoping one of these shooter devs comes to their senses! BTW, I especially loved the part

Good, Batman deserves nothing. He's a pompous arrogant asshole that does nothing but revel in his own majesty. He's narcissistic and cold. He shouldn't even be a Hero, let alone a "Super"Hero. He's not super at all. At least Steve Rogers has a Shield and NEAR Superhuman strength. Batman has Gadgets and Deus Ex

They released the inferior version first to get your money. Why do you think they didn't release details about this version? Because no one would have bought the 3DS version. It's a rip off. Oh but since they're releasing this AFTER the shitty version, you fanboys are gushing. Please...I LOVE Smash Bros...but

Lol and even though it's the truth, I know the nintendo fanboys will be offended. THey just want your money. Just like Sony, and just like Microshit. BTW, Thanks Jason for actually putting in the word "Capitalism" into your article. Most of your peers are afraid to even acknowledge that Capitalism is even an issue,

Wow....I bet you guys who bought the 3DS version feel screwed over. In all honesty, that's what they did. They released their inferior product just so you would buy it in antici[pation of the real game on Wii U. What a rip.

Lol awesome writing style. Screw politics though. Republicans and Democrats are equally corrupt. Everyone knows Democrats just hide it better. If you count yourself as Republican or Democrat, then you're definitely not a free-thinker.

What's worse is that before you were rude to me, I was actually in support of Gay marriage...you're making me think twice. You guys seem like a bunch of assholes. Way to make the enitre Gay Community look

It's really sad that a straight man trying to support gay marriage gets chastized like this. I'd figure you guys would want some help from the straight guys, but whatever. Be an asshole.