Erlend Lunde Holbek

Arguably even Brad Pitt.

I keep my dick inside a Pringles can because it keeps my penis safe and dry.

"Absolute complete total disaster" means exactly the same thing as "disaster." And clearly, no. Erik believes it improves from a disaster to a B- show.

Oh, I'm sure, but you can't dismiss a review when you haven't seen the content reviewed. This show hasn't even aired yet, and Erik admits it's this year's worst comedy pilot, but he also says it improves enormously over the next three.

Key sentence: Four episodes watched for review.

But seriously, has no one pointed out Sean O'Neal did a five paragraph version of a Community joke?

Please, tell me how. It's a video where Taylor Swift stands in front of ten different, multiracial dance groups, attempts to do their dance for a while and then settles for a simple strut instead.

Where does that header photo come from? It made me excited to watch what ended up being a shitty YouTube mashup.

She's Taylor Swift. It's not like she deserves our highest praise.

Taylor Swift is so vaguely annoying that it seems we're constantly trying to make her controversial. Her video isn't racist and she's a perfectly competent live singer. Chill out, internet.

Most systems, if the cards are big enough, can run for a good 20-30 minutes, and the switch doesn't take nearly as long as reloading film.

Actually, the main reason Judd Apatow likes film isn't aesthetic: He uses the little breaks every fifteen minutes to direct his actors before they go back on.

Brooks Wheelan basically did his standup on Weekend Update a couple of times, which was funny. He's better off without the show though.

I say this in fear of coming off as a total philistine, but I haven't seen a single Dardenne film I've enjoyed. They're slow, dry, have no humor, levity or dynamism. They aren't about real people as much as they are about restrictedly directed emotions and strained intimacy.

The "grungy concrete" background, the bad hairlines and the seemingly random placement and sizes makes me assume it's a joke, but gosh darn it, I can't find the source. Yahoo UK posted it as an official poster.

In Sweden, yes.

You usually make a very strange choice.