
@nicktennear: Is this going to be the subject of the next Gizmodo Photoshop contest?

1. Denial

Good old Chuckie Schumer. Normally I don't agree with that sleeze bag but I do get a chuckle out of reading this.

Why not just one big fat bar that covers all five?

What about auto updating of Photo Library without having to reboot phone? I mean, synch your phone with 10 pictures. Go back to that folder in your PC or Mac and remove 3 movies. Now the next time you synch your phone should have only 7 pictures right? Well, it does. But the 3 removed pictures manifest themselves

Okay now. That COO should be f'ing fired for making a comment like that about his own product! I man, come on. And "Windows Phone 7 phone"? That sounds so stupid.

Are any of you able to get the dropped bars even when you are using a bumper?

This is pure art. I hope this gets play time on a major channel. I loved it. Kudos!

I hate bugs!

Who cares about Ice-T. Show us the Coco pictures!

I'm surprised the ACLU or Southern Poverty Center allows such practices to be enforced by these greedy Capitalist Huge Oil ship owners!

Oh crap! Hit enter too soon...

FU Skype. FU Fring. No need to keep your icons on my iPhone's home screen.

It's a returning solid rocket booster from the Chinese Space Shuttle.

@2 replies: I thought she had bigger boobs.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: I have about 100 or so pics from two different models of point and shoot Sony cameras that were in the $300 to $400.00 range. Most of the pics are awful. I ended up selling the camera on eBay and bought a Canon point and shoot. Of course, my main cam is a 7D. I'm also saving up for a 135 L

Sony point and shoot cams suck!

@lordargent: As long as it's now mauve I guess...

Guy wearing purple shoes? I thought it was only Prince that wore stuff like that.

I'd like to see them coming down, you know, wearing those skirts and all...oh well.