
At that speed, you need an ejector seat, not airbags.

I lost faith in Toyota ever since they stopped making the MR2. I mean, the MRS? Really Toyota? They suck!

@JackMBUR: Looks like Freddy Mercury.

Why does this move by Microsoft somehow reminds me of what Motorola and Apple did with the ROKR? Moto pushes out the first cell phone with iTunes integration only to later that same year be up-staged by Apple's iPhone? There may be hope for Courier yet. Hang tight.

I hate the AVCHD format. I had a Panasonic HDC HD5 SD camcorder before and sold it because I couldn't stand this format. It's difficult to archive and also, what's the advantage of having digital footage if you have to import it into your PC like you did the Mini-DV tapes? Also, these fully digital camcorders

@MrHaroHaro: Palm was ahead of their time for sure. And to think Ryan Block gave Palm a lot of shit over the Foleo...


Oh God! Please make them stop! A "Necky"?


Not for nothing but I quit smoking as soon as they started raising the cigarette taxes to fund some Health Insurance for Kids that I never heard or saw anyone ever use (CHIPS). They then kept on raising it even more as more people quit. So, to the smokers out there still puffing it, how do you like it being the

So, what was the PING button for?