
I remember this. Itagaki (or Eat-a-gackey, as he’s addressed in the video) truly is the Tommy Wiseau of video games haha

He certainly had a type of god complex about him back then, and every time he comes up nowadays (which is never), I always think “damn, this guy was so overrated”, even as someone that loved DOA2 & 3. I guess we can now add that he’s also (was?) an asshole to that descriptor.

Here’s some rumors I heard about him at Tecmo from back in the day.

Because she owns the Harry Potter franchise. Because some people don’t want to participate in a financial transaction to purchase a product when you know a bigot like Joan will be profiting off it. It’s not rocket science.

The Switch was the system of 2020 in my household for sure.

Sounds like a bait and switch to advertise a classic console. I don’t know if they’re still profitable but they’re definitely not make a next-gen console rich. Still be cool to play their older hits, though. 

At one time, SNK made what was considered the Roll Royce of video game consoles.

The only thing on my mind as I watched portions of that video is the fact that this game is INCREDIBLY ugly. Not even talking about graphics: that art style is horrendous.

Greensleeves, right? That’s the one I keep hearing.

Honestly, thought I was going crazy, as I kept hearing it, too!

I’m pretty sure I heard a repurposed Christmas tune in one of the random areas too.

They sure pay a lot of homages

If I said I don’t agree with people eating so much as to be obese does that make me an obesephobe?”

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

Or maybe people just genuinely like it.

I personally think BotW is one of Nintendo’s best games, and best Zelda games, but I also like open-world stuff. The fact that you don’t like this or the Elder Scrolls series tells me that you don’t, really (which is fine). A large part of the charm of open-world stuff isn’t necessarily that you have to “make your own

Same, I want to replay it but so much of the joy of it is in discovery, and I really wish there were a way to recapture the magic

Maybe the #1 game I wish I could erase from my memory and play again, or ar least tied with bloodborne in that respect for sure.

I dunno Nathan... the Yiga Clan has me stressed lol, and the first time I saw a Lynel before the lightning arrow cinematic, that dude looked at me for two straight minutes before he murdered the shit out of Link. He Massacred my boy I tell you!